Example sentences of "but whether it be " in BNC.

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1 But whether it is superseded by a new work or not , any book of a popular or educational nature which is clearly out of date should be considered for discard .
2 There is quite a lot of X in coffee — probably' enough to affect directly our own enkephalin receptors — but whether it is the major stimulant remains to be seen .
3 The question to be answered is not whether the deprave-and-corrupt test is necessary in a modern society — that has now been conceded — but whether it is sufficient to catch the full range of material which ‘ the protection of health and morals ’ requires ?
4 But whether it is real or imaginary , it should.be something of an ideal , a place where you feel secure and protected .
5 But whether it is worthwhile — or even possible — to return to the older project , to which Hall himself made so many pioneering contributions , is a different matter .
6 But whether it is Ortega 's ‘ vital system of ideas of a period ’ , or Leavis ' sense of an ‘ organic life ’ which it is the university 's function to foster , or Bantock 's concern that the organic relationship between education and ( what he admits to being ) a minority culture was being attenuated , or Robbins ' view with which we started , we are in each case being asked to accept an unduly conservative function .
7 But whether it is the right thing to do is another thing .
8 It 's the latest twist on the seminal Seventies Top Trumps boom , but whether it 's such jovial playground fun is under debate .
9 It figures it 'll get one or two to commit probably in time for Spring Comdex and will eventually get five , but whether it 's out of this lot remains unclear .
10 The most important choice facing today 's buyer is n't whether to buy direct or from a dealer , but whether it 's worth paying extra for really good quality support and service .
11 I said , well I said er I 'll ask Peter , I know there is one down there but whether it 's for sale or not , I said I 'll be cheeky this morning and ask him .
12 Well it was but whether it 's erm try it again from cold I think .
13 I 'm looking for something somewhere Yes , well it appears to be working , but whether it 's working correctly I do n't know oh Ray , there is provision here for the headphones , you , you said are you supposed to use headphones with it , mind you it sounds pretty audible anyway , I do n't think you need headphones , I mean I 'm not sure there 's a
14 So there is evidence that the immune system is caught up in the pathological process , but whether it 's truly an auto-immune disease is not so clear .
15 But whether it 's therapeutic for the reader is not for me to say .
16 A revelation from God is bound to be true , ‘ but whether it be a divine revelation , or no , reason must judge ’ .
17 This controversial book was widely discussed but whether it was read by artists I leave to further research .
18 She put up her hand but whether it was to catch hold of the reins or to protect herself I do not know .
19 It was better than walking , better than fighting the tangle of woodland , but whether it was better than lying in the clearing , I could n't decide .
20 I 'd crumpled on to the door mat and I remember a fearful pain , but whether it was my head or my ankle , I do n't really know .
21 In the Vedic period the abstract idea of time was regarded as the fundamental principle of the universe , but whether it was made into a deity is uncertain .
22 Its sudden reappearance , a product of the uncertain economic times in Eastern Europe , at first seemed easily explained , but whether it was wartime booty or a token of gratitude , whether a museum who may or may not have owned it wanted it back or not , whether it was legally correct or amoral , by putting it up for auction ( and illustrating it on the catalogue cover ) Sotheby 's assured themselves of one thing : whatever they did would be wrong .
23 She lay there , and her knees were trembling , but whether it was from running from the Métro , from past terror , or from shame , she could not tell .
24 But whether it was because of the conversation or the nursery food , Haverford 's eyelids were beginning to droop .
25 But whether it was him or someone else … or just bad luck . ’
26 Redpath had been called in because the body on the mud had been reported by P.C. Clifford from a land-based patrol car , but whether it was properly a land or a river matter was a moot point .
27 She could n't stop shivering , but whether it was caused by cold or the strain of waiting until fitzAlan won free of the castle she did n't know .
28 Jacobs and Kinsella makes it clear that the consideration which courts must now take into account is not whether a custodial sentence was necessary to protect the public from offenders generally of the same type , but whether it was necessary to protect the public from a particular offender .
29 The knot of demonstrators summoned up a ragged cry and waved their tattered banners , but whether it was the sight of Edwina Currie or of Virginia Bottomley was not immediately evident .
30 But whether it was still
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