Example sentences of "but when [pron] arrived " in BNC.

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1 All of them were ready for action after the long period of training , but when they arrived they found that a gale had brewed up .
2 A palace aide said last night : ‘ We were all a bit apprehensive about the lunch but when they arrived they put everyone at ease .
3 But when they arrived at the meeting it was Oldfield who was wearing Branson 's horn-rimmed spectacles , riffling papers in his briefcase and doing his best to look brisk and businesslike , while Branson gesticulated in a parody of artistic eccentricity .
4 But when they arrived , Morris did n't seem particularly interested in them — not , anyway , enough to stop watching the television .
5 Joe saw an opportunity to get the couple to visit a branch to pick up a ‘ replacement ’ card but when they arrived the police moved in and detained them .
6 But when they arrived , they were attacked by Norman White , a hit man hired by Stroud and her boyfriend , Mark Evans .
7 But when they arrived what they got was far from a welcome home .
8 Paul Young shared his taxi with Nigel Dempsey and Christopher MacPherson but when they arrived in Hemlington , Middlesbrough , Mr Young was invited to go with them for a drink .
9 But when they arrived to start pulling down the George hotel at Nailsworth in Gloucestershire , they were confronted by two hundred angry protesters .
10 We booked a table in a restaurant for our office Christmas party but when we arrived they had no record of the booking we made .
11 But when we arrived home , we found the stranger had given me two pound notes as well as the coin .
12 He dispatched a police patrol car , but when it arrived 16 minutes later the telephone was swinging on the end of its cord .
13 At the time , the year of expiry would hardly have seemed significant , but when it arrived , Champagne was still recovering from four years of German occupation .
14 But when I arrived at The St Chad 's Deanery Day for Stockport and discovered there was a group of 20 people aged from ten up to 19 , I thought that things could n't be so bad after all .
15 I could not believe that such an outburst of violence could happen in Fontanellato , where everybody , including those who belonged to the party , seemed to be more or less on good terms with one another , but when I arrived home I begged my father to be careful and to avoid discussions with anybody except the doctor .
16 ‘ When I left my home in Stellenbosch it was almost 30C , but when I arrived in Japan it was very , very cold .
17 You see , to let you understand , this was maybe about four or five years after nationalization and prior to nationalization of course , was under the L M S , Street Station and were under the L M S and was under the L N E R. But when I arrived at , I heard them talking about the Callie see , the Callie railway .
18 The 27-year-old from Madrid had started yesterday 's penultimate leg with a comfortable lead of 1min 36sec , but when he arrived at Newcastle last night it had been trimmed to 31sec .
19 His early history was not revealed , but when he arrived at his new home he was hostile , aggressive , and even savage ; and people were forced to take to their own heels to save themselves from his !
20 He secured two admission tickets but when he arrived he found they were only good for the front doors where ‘ already hundreds were waiting ’ .
21 He said that he had a video which he would bring round , but when he arrived he claimed to have lost it and still did n't provide a written description , so I would n't tell him where the dogs were .
22 Mr Wormwood did n't notice anything when he put the hat on , but when he arrived at the garage he could n't get it off .
23 ‘ Before Sean Connery , Scotland was a dreary , windswept place populated by gray Presbyterians with haemorrhoids , but when he arrived there was , at last , a Scottish film star doing things that Scottish men love to do — shooting people and shagging the survivors . ’
24 But when he arrived there the British embassy expressed fears that his scarred features would only reinforce anti-involvement sentiments among American parents .
25 But when she arrived at Grittleton to find an illegitimate daughter living there just as though she was one of the family , Lady Caroline stormed out .
26 One little girl only fifteen years old had to carry lead weights to make up ten stones , but when she arrived back on foot after the race had finished , she had lost not only the weights but the horse as well !
27 But when she arrived Terry had all the Press there waiting to see her .
28 But when she arrived at the hotel , Miss Crossland , 27 , claimed she ‘ was fobbed off all morning waiting for the cheque ’ .
29 As requested by Mrs Johnson of the Committee for the Preservation of Morals , she drove out to the library , with the intention of asking the chief librarian for information about Ben MacLean , but when she arrived he had gone out for morning coffee .
30 But when she arrived back at Green Gables , Anne knew at once that something was wrong .
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