Example sentences of "we [adv] a lot " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Your father does owe us rather a lot of money , you know , will your cousin meet the obligations ? ’
2 John Heminges of the Queen 's Men taught us both a lot .
3 ‘ You could save us both a lot of trouble by handing over the papers without any fuss . ’
4 To be able to create different effects by changing plants around is exciting , and it also tends to teach us quite a lot about the relationships in spacing of plants , of different shapes and habits of growth .
5 Studies of simple brains like that of Aplysia tell us quite a lot .
6 It certainly lost us quite a lot of Conservative votes .
7 Nevertheless , the very fact that an explanation should have been created at all tells us quite a lot about the way that the human mind works .
8 This distribution , considered along with within-group variability , tells us quite a lot about the relationship of group scores to individual scores , a matter of some interest to sociolinguists .
9 i i perhaps in terms of if you think of it in terms of like the employer of the day , Well we 've paid an external trainer to come along , it 's actually costing us quite a lot of money .
10 Altogether this little girl has cost us quite a lot of money .
11 Erm and possibly the installation of mini roundabouts at the minor junctions erm would give us quite a lot of benefit .
12 You know , and you , you then have that sheet , and how much is my time worth , and how much is his time worth , or her time worth , and you can say , you know , these interruptions are actually costing us quite a lot of month .
13 We have to put a shelf mark on the books so that we can shelve the book , but that tells us quite a lot about the subject , and if you start putting those three things together the librarian , as manager of his library , can start to put all this information together — in fact , the computer digests it for him — to give him an overview of how effective his operation is , when he should be buying extra copies , when perhaps he should be thinking of not buying quite so much , or being a little more selective .
14 We have to put a shelf mark on the book so that we can shelve the book , but that tells us quite a lot about the subject .
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