Example sentences of "we [be] doing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I must point out that this is not the correct way to stand , it is merely an exercise to demonstrate that we can not rely upon our feelings alone to inform us about what we are doing to ourselves .
2 It seems a bit odd to be asking people to join the CTC in order to further the interests of cycling in Scotland ; but if we get this leaflet off the ground we can then tell HQ what we are doing for them .
3 It is now worthwhile to see how well we are doing with recording the other senses .
4 We are accountable to the public in many different ways , and we always have to keep an eye on the fact that the public are looking at what we are doing with our money and local politicians and the community 's representatives are always anxious to talk to us about what we are doing with that money and we must be prepared to answer any queries or any questions on our activities or those activities of people that we 're sponsoring .
5 We are accountable to the public in many different ways , and we always have to keep an eye on the fact that the public are looking at what we are doing with our money and local politicians and the community 's representatives are always anxious to talk to us about what we are doing with that money and we must be prepared to answer any queries or any questions on our activities or those activities of people that we 're sponsoring .
6 WHY Do we drink coffee ? one answer is to keep us interested in what we are doing at the time — typing , say , or repairing a car .
7 Er so we are concerned that that money perhaps future time so that we can continue to spend whatever money we are doing at the present time er to our roads .
8 Mrs Daniel , whose school has 1,000 boys and girls , added : ‘ If parents see a boy and a girl even holding hands in the park , they are in next day , to ask what we are doing about it . ’
9 I am sure that my hon. Friend will agree that what we are doing through the national curriculum , and especially in the testing of seven , 11 , 14 and 16-year-olds , will ensure not only that we can monitor progress on standards , but that pupils who are falling behind will be given the assistance that they need to improve .
10 One of the things we are doing during International Women 's Celebrations is we 're putting on a jobs and training opportunities fair , in Templar Square in the middle of Cowley Centre erm on the fifteenth of March between ten and four , so any women who want to know how they can get back to work , or what training opportunities there are available , are welcome to come .
11 This seems to be against what we are doing in this school .
12 What we are doing in care management is not greatly different from what we do in children 's services — working with limited resources and with other agencies , ’ says Mills .
13 Baden-Powell was particularly fond of this extravagant , but nevertheless deeply felt historical posture , and he saw the shadow of Rome hanging over the huge crowds attending the football stadiums which he likened to the ‘ unmanly ’ attitude of the young Romans who loafed around the circus entertainments — ‘ they paid men to play their games for them , so that they could look on without the fag of playing , just as we are doing in football now ’ — as he charged into battle against this betrayal of the British traditions of ‘ fair play ’ and sportsmanship :
14 Help us to think about what we are doing in the world .
15 What we are doing in our Town Halls fits into this broader picture .
16 Well erm for instance like myself erm like what we are doing in the association for free Kuwait erm as you know it 's erm it 's basically after August the second , after the invasion a group of private citizens , a group of Kuwaiti citizens , formed this association .
17 We should not be helping our enemies ( in international terms , of course ! ) , but that 's what we are doing by allowing the Exiles to compete in our leagues .
18 We 'll carry on what we 're doing without having to write pop songs to get to Number One . ’
19 When we 're doing first aid incidents erm the standard thing we 're doing for adults when they 're doing a first aid exam is we 'll give present them with a casualty with perhaps a cut hand or something like that and they 'll actually have a black eye .
20 I think the only danger of looking at E D P , is that if we 're doing for the guys in the office , then what do we do with the supervisors ?
21 Er how many times have we said , yeah , we can do this job but we 'll , it needs the route improvement that we 're doing for Arthur .
22 Right this is a new thing for experimental work that we 're doing for them is it ?
23 to know is they raised er the question about the er counts we 're doing for the Caernarvon link
24 After all the things we 're doing for you .
25 Oh it 's just a thing we 're doing for these Norweigy people .
26 No we 're doing for six weeks .
27 For example , if you take what we 're doing with CD ROM software or in the consumer areas , other [ computer ] companies are n't very involved yet .
28 I mean you know some people will be particularly interested to read about what we 're doing with CAD .
29 What are we do Hang on , let's just check what we 're doing with this .
30 Could I just start with the white paper on community care funding because I think , as he said in the introduction , it is a complex subject , erm , and it does involve a lengthy transition period , and therefore in terms of its understanding , I think it 's important that members are aware both how the money is coming to us , broadly what we 're doing with it , and , and how it is that we 've reached the conclusion that there 's a great under-funding in the , in the present proposals .
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