Example sentences of "from the [noun sg] war " in BNC.

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1 Most of the guns , however , were at least 40 years old , some of them relics from the Boer War .
2 For many years his family thought he was dead , and his name was only recently removed from the village war memorial .
3 I mean Cyprus has been one of the major growth destinations in the last year or so and erm people stopped going there from the day war broke out .
4 My second husband had been born 6,000 miles away , but at his funeral service the coffin lay but a few feet from the church war memorial tablet bearing Leslie 's name .
5 Apart from him , male booksellers , and men married to women booksellers , seem to be newish men — if MJ 's survey , conducted in advance of publication of Maeve Haran 's Scenes from the Sex War — is an accurate guide .
6 Hit by relentless price competition and slumping business conditions , Fujitsu Ltd on Friday forecast that for fiscal 1993 to March 31 , it would report its first loss since it was first listed in Tokyo in 1949 : it sees a group net loss of $322m and a current loss of $169m for the year , against net profit of $103m and current profit of $437m last fiscal — current profit includes gains and losses made on investments in stocks and bonds and sundry profits and losses from other non-operating activities ; ‘ Customers expect lower prices , ’ said Mike Beirne , a Fujitsu spokesman — ‘ the price competition goes from the price war in personal computers right up to mainframes ; ’ the company acknowledges that losses are likely to continue into the first six months of its new year .
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