Example sentences of "from somewhere [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As I lie in a ditch during the short rest and watch Jake the Algerian move along the road just ahead of me exclaiming ‘ A la attack ’ , a voice from somewhere along the road shouts , ‘ Oh , piss off ’ .
2 A trill of song from somewhere outside the trench .
3 Sometimes my own phone rings , and the voice that answers it is here inside the room , emerging from somewhere about the point where my two shirtsleeves meet .
4 The conversation was picked up from somewhere off the floor once dessert arrived and the three of them were talking again .
5 It appeared to be coming from somewhere to the right , the bullets were hitting the house high up and smashing through the windows of one of the bedrooms .
6 A loud slam from somewhere on the floor below put an end to further reluctance .
7 And from somewhere on the other side they heard the sound they all dreaded : HAR-ROOMF !
8 The last communication had been a letter from somewhere on the west coast of America , and my eventual reply had been returned ‘ not known at this address ’ .
9 Every sixth or seventh day or so , in the morning , as we prepare to sack out , and go through the stunned routines of miring , of mussing ( we derange each eyebrow with a fingerstroke against the grain ) , Tod and I can feel the dream just waiting to happen , gathering its energies from somewhere on the other side .
10 From somewhere on the hillside I could hear the clip-clop of a cow 's feet .
11 Although he was pleased that they had managed to set everything up on time , he continued to mutter about the remaining android being alive , threatening them from somewhere on the planet .
12 And the audience laughed , with relief rather than humor , and from somewhere at the back someone clapped loudly , making the laughter rise again before it subsided into silence .
13 An oystercatcher screamed from somewhere at the end of the beach , warning its young .
14 From somewhere at the rear of the house came the slam of a door .
15 Voices came from somewhere at the back — probably the kitchen : families seem to favour the kitchen as an assembly point in times of crisis .
16 from somewhere across the city came the lonely scream of a police car .
17 From somewhere beyond the walls of the lavatory , faint , sporadic rifle fire caught Peregrine 's attention .
18 From somewhere beyond the artificial horizon , the Bridge arced up and away into the darkness , the lower part of its immense length in shadow , the upper glinting with fiery reflections from Lucifer 's atmospheric corona .
19 Then , from somewhere beyond the imposing stone wall , came a sweet voice singing a haunting ballad .
20 It was just after we got married , , and he was a Lancashire lad , he came from somewhere of the suburbs of Manchester , I 've forgotten whereabouts he was
21 To celebrate this , OUP has found 1,000 new phrasal verbs from somewhere for the latter publication to take the tally to 11,000 entries .
22 It had sounded to him as if the shot had come from somewhere near the pools .
23 The girl bent to stroke one of the cats , murmuring to it , and from somewhere behind the hall came the cooing of doves .
24 As she was about to enter the room , the sound of a raised , angry male voice coming from somewhere behind the partially open door caused her to halt in her tracks .
25 The last chime quivered away on the night air , and from somewhere behind the bar emerged the local hero , Miguelito the mystery man .
26 Its call sign — ‘ This is the Voice of Peace , broadcasting from somewhere in the Mediterranean ’ — is familiar to millions of listeners .
27 From somewhere in the capital , by our intrepid reporter : The dog dirt injected into my pulsing thighs by a beautiful buck-naked half-robot half-Samoan woman was finally starting to take effect .
28 From somewhere in the back Cecilia could hear that sound she had never been able to identify and had not liked to ask about , a regular screeching as made by a bird in a zoo .
29 But from somewhere in the fog of received wisdom and what passed for it , struggling to be heard above the sound of cracking whips , a persistent and unrepentant voice relayed a subversive message .
30 From somewhere in the darkness , Sophie made little , stricken noises , all on an indrawn breath .
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