Example sentences of "but [subord] [pers pn] got " in BNC.

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1 But so we got it there .
2 Well we took our turn and we waited to go in but once we got in we broke away from the crowd and when they all came out and went to lunch in the town we did n't .
3 At the moment this innovatory scheme was still at the planning stage , but once it got off the ground I could n't fail to gross a minimum of fifty thou in the first year of operation , after which the sky was the limit .
4 But once I got out of the splitting shop out into the dry , handling leather rather than skins , er it were terrific , absolutely terrific .
5 But once you got the bone , you take it home , bake it , dry it well , and break it up into powder .
6 That 's right and put your paddle in that and you scull you had to come down every time and many a time people 'd learn that that paddle will come out , but once you got the knack of it you could do it one hand , cos you was cutting down all the time like that 's what it was .
7 But once you got there and got stuck into the work and
8 But once you got well into the business of the removal , y one forgets , you see , and you forget exactly what you 're carrying or what it appears to be that you 're carrying .
9 Mind you it seemed that they had a test at school last week and he was n't terribly happy with it , he said he could n't understand it , he tried to explain to me what it was , but erm , it 's not , not easy , but Ga Gavin said erm , he said they 'd had a test and he said it took him time to get into it but once he got into it , you know , he did alright in it , I think he said how many he got , he did n't seem to do too badly , but he said Alex did n't really do anything and what he did do he thought was wrong so he did n't hand it in , he said and in actual fact what he had done was right , so I do n't know , I told , I told Alex to go and see , you know , and ask about it and sort of erm , apparently he did do that so at least he 'll know , but erm , it 's strange really because normally Alex
10 But if I got mad sometimes , shouted at her , it was just bluff .
11 it 's that or a new head torch , but if I got a new head torch it , it perhaps but they 're about , they 're about thirty quid I think
12 For the time being she was useful to annoy Gina , but if she got too possessive he would have to drop her .
13 But if she got pins and needles and had to move , it woke with a jump and crept forwards again .
14 But if he got away , that was just too bad for you .
15 T. D. You could always have a cigarette if you wanted it but if you got caught , you were in trouble .
16 But if you got somebody strange , you 'd say , ‘ Would you mind opening your case ? ’
17 But if you got it you might find it would be cheaper to do your house up using these clients rather than sell .
18 But if you got that for this place and I sold my apartment , together we 'd have enough money to get married and buy — ’ He broke off , a flush appearing beneath his tan as he realised he was pushing her too far along the relationship path and could also be sounding mercenary .
19 If you 've got a guy gathered , I 'm not saying try but if you got somebody who , who did the job and gathered it in like they would do .
20 But since we got the national agreement in nineteen forty seven the same interest was n't in the trade union movement .
21 ‘ It came as such a shock , but since I got over it , life 's been brilliant .
22 Behind the HQ building , to the right of what Waters called the Paddock but before you got to the Wood , was a small black circle quite close to the boundary fence .
23 But before I got to the end of it I burst into tears .
24 But before I got , I er , I suggested that fucking years ago !
25 But before he got to the newsagent 's he met , coming out of Fawley Road with a small boy and smaller girl , his first cousin once removed , Tina Darne .
26 It was an illusion of tired eyes , but before he got back in the car he stood , his collar open , looking up at the sky where there was nothing to see but black , and let the water splash down on his open face , his wet shirt clinging to the skin of his chest and belly .
27 But before he got into his aircraft to complete his detail he presented 20 piastres to Fagan , Fagan looked at the 20 piastres — and the 20 piastre piece was a great thing like a cartwheel , very large and bigger by far than an old-fashioned crown , some 2-2 ½ ″ wide , Fagan looked at this and the doctor said : I am sorry about the shit I blew over everybody — there is my fine , " Fagan looked at it and said " Doe , the fine was only 10 piastres . "
28 ‘ The first set was incredible — it was like a final — but after I got that set David seemed to lose heart a bit , ’ said Corsie later .
29 The aim was to toss bombs into them as they drove past , but when they got there they discovered that the sentries were being changed .
30 Vincent wanted to introduce Rappard to his uncle , but when they got there , the old man — never in good health — was ill in bed .
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