Example sentences of "but [pers pn] proved to " in BNC.

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1 But she proved to be a natural and her performance won rave reviews .
2 But she proved to be a highly effective change master in her organization , responsible for many successful new projects , because she is a superb coalition builder , drawing hardly at all on her relationship with the CEO .
3 The Community Programme also met with some suspicion when it was first introduced by the MSC in the early 1980s but it proved to be a boon for many bureaux to expand their services and broaden their workforce .
4 The immediate aim was to open the roads to and from the temple to untouchables , but it proved to be a symbol of the movement to eliminate discrimination against untouchables in all spheres of life and a pointer to the need to abolish the caste system .
5 They married on 15 October 1753 , but it proved to be a short-lived union for she died only two years later .
6 I did n't realize what I was saying but it proved to be true .
7 At first I thought it was some ague but it proved to the Sweating Sickness .
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