Example sentences of "but [pron] do actually " in BNC.

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1 Pious it may sound , but I do actually believe that there is a sense in which a group of students do collectively know much of what they need to know about learning : the problem of the PGCE year is to give them confidence that they know ; and the experience that knowing they can successfully act on their knowledge .
2 But I do actually , I do actually think it 's fair enough to say that the parish council can be , and should be , more clear , more direct in telling people what it 's doing .
3 It may well be that they 're doing it , with er other ways of doing it and er that 's , that 's discussion , but I do actually think that there is sometimes something to be said , and I think a group can say it more easily than individual , is if you want something done , do it , but do n't come along and complain .
4 but I do actually think that one considers they 're playing a part in the community .
5 Joe Cunnane , I 'm sorry , but er Chairman , but I did actually miss probably the most important point I should have made about Tadcaster
6 you usually get the fourth and the fifth as well but I did actually only say three but alright
7 Erm I thought that you lost er I thought that you 'd forgotten about your referrals but you did actually come back to them erm and I 'm not quite sure whether you actually tackled all of ANNA , I know that you got the authority , I 'm not qu
8 Right , erm I 've actually got down that erm you assumed that his wife was n't a tax pay sorry , his wife was n't a tax payer and you assumed that she was n't working but you did actually pick back up on that later that she was n't that she was n't going back to work after having the children so erm tt that is now irrelevant but it was at the time that you were saying it , that you did n't actually pick it up .
9 When we say when we say that that we stage door club is closed it closed in the place it 's not open every evening but we do actually let it out we let it out to companies and whatever conference or companies who want a facility or meeting place something we do actually market that and we do actually ask people if they want to use it and in fact it has been taken up there .
10 But they do actually have the power , presuming that the will is appropriately worded , to sell for any of the assets .
11 But they do actually get married then ?
12 At one time he lived in Devon I think and he also has association with Yorkshire , so that is could be quite probably in the countryside but it does n't have to be a forest , does n't have to be a fox out there but he does actually say I imagine this midnight moment 's forest .
13 The IDB may be desperate to lower the unemployment rate — currently around 14% and the worst in the UK — but it does actually have advantages .
14 It 's a bit dull , but it does actually provide you with a level of income that you want .
15 Er , now the the point I really want to refer to is erm just what role an auditor ought to play er in the er insurance and financial service industry in looking at particular firms , erm I have several interests which the honourable member for Edinburgh central knows about , er the one that I think is relevant er to tonight is that I am an elected member of the insurance brokers registration council and the way that erm the way that we regulate insurance brokers erm is laid down by statute but it does actually demonstrate the advantage , the benefit of erm of having a statutory requirement for audit and for er a proper oversight of what then follows in terms of the way that the regulator reacts to what the auditor may say .
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