Example sentences of "she found a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She found a voice from somewhere .
2 She also attests that , though she found a friend in the painting tutor Colin Hayes , ‘ the warmth and heart of the school was John Minton whose compassion , sophistication and wit were immensely necessary ’ .
3 Then she found a lane and turned down it , thankfully feeling cobbles under her feet .
4 She found a nurse and sent her for it , and then held the cup and dabbed his lips with a swab dipped in the water .
5 ‘ She 's remembered she found a brochure for a hotel in Northumberland and she leapt to the conclusion that Garry was going to surprise her with an unexpected holiday .
6 So she schemed until she found a way of having the second thing without losing the first .
7 She was the last of the Roxborough line , he 'd said , unless she found a way to fertilize one of her girlfriends .
8 She found a notepad from the Shelbourne and scribbled the word Grimoire down .
9 She found a phone booth in the shapeless concourse and called Magill 's office .
10 At the villa , she found a screw of paper in the flowerpot where she had left the key .
11 She found a cyke parked out of range of the explosion , and straddled it .
12 She had on her housecoat , which offered a fair display of bosom , and Wycliffe wondered how long it would be before she found a successor for the undertaker .
13 She found a parking space close to the main entrance .
14 She found a parking space near the Queen 's Hotel and strolled across Imperial Gardens where a few tourists were admiring the spring flowers and chestnut blossom in the Promenade .
15 Spun me a good story about her husband , Malcolm , and how he 'd died , and she was going to stay with a friend in Birkleigh until she found a living-in job where she could keep you .
16 She found a knife in the cutlery drawer and set three places with cups , saucers , plates , knives , forks and spoons .
17 She found a coin in her pocket and paid for two glasses of lemonade , then drew the girl into a doorway away from the people .
18 Eventually she found a dress that appealed to her .
19 After getting into and out of three corners between stretches of flat wall , she found a door .
20 Out by the pool she found a girl who greeted her warmly and , delving into the recesses of her knapsack , brought out a box of nougat and gave it to her .
21 She found a receipt for a hotel in Hampshire in my suit .
22 She found a childminder and went back to work .
23 She found a bathroom further along , and sat on the edge of the bath .
24 She found a diary of her brother 's .
25 Behind fresh eggs and bacon and milk at the front of the fridge she found a pile of dates covered in green mould , and a piece of Stilton turning grey , and an older lump of lettuce wrapped in newspaper .
26 She was about to but she found a sticker on book
27 In one of his pockets she found a newspaper .
28 In the end she found a couple of blankets and the alarm clock and curled up regardless .
29 She had brought a lot of her own furniture with her and would sigh and shake her head every time she found a burn or a ring mark on it , and tell me how she had always polished her things ‘ until you could see your face in them ’ .
30 She found a shard of the broken totem and picked it up , feeling its dry , dead surface .
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