Example sentences of "she did n't think " in BNC.

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1 But just as quickly she remembered herself , barely thirteen , standing up in class and saying she did n't think the Catholic Church was fair and the nun , red in the face , asking who did she think she was to question the Pope 's teaching .
2 She did n't think to compare the German-speaking neighbourhood to Spitalflelds or the East End .
3 She did n't think to question the treatment her doctors advocated - as a research biochemist who had worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 10 years , the benefits of modern medicine had been instilled in her .
4 But she also said Hawick wanted her to give up her partnership here and she did n't think she could bear to . ’
5 Dot said No , she did n't think so .
6 It might be a surprise that she did n't think would displease him .
7 Also , SHe did n't think Parmedes ' handiwork was exactly designed for such a pummelling .
8 He cracked jokes she did n't think were very funny .
9 If she did n't stop to rest she did n't have to think and if she did n't think she did n't have to feel and if she did n't have to feel she did n't have to grieve the death of her husband .
10 And yet , no , she did n't think so .
11 She paid an extra dollar a week for Mrs Benson to put Maria to bed and keep an eye on her , but somehow she did n't think that Mrs Benson was all that reliable as a child-watcher .
12 and then Brenda ran up to explain breathlessly that she did n't think the van would go under the low bridge , as her daddy 's — which was the same size — would n't .
13 She turned her back on him , unlocking the inner door , and as the warmth from the storage heaters wafted out to greet them she thanked God that she had had the foresight to leave them on — she did n't think she had been properly warm since reading the newspaper this afternoon — no , not even on the plane .
14 Australian sprinter Raeleen Boyle once said that she did n't think she 'd ‘ ever felt totally comfortable with my lifestyle since I gave up running . ’
15 She did n't think she could be turned out , but she was n't going to stay , not with that bitch .
16 She did n't think she would ever see freedom .
17 Whatever he was , she found him charming and exasperating at the same time and no , she did n't think her relationship would last because you ca n't keep mercury in your hand , not for long .
18 Travel rep Fiona cancelled plans to join her New Zealand born boy-friend CHRIS BUDGETT , 26 , on a trek of the Everest base camp because she did n't think she was in shape .
19 She did n't think the house was dark .
20 Craig had been wonderful to Hari during the past days , she did n't think she could have got through it all without him .
21 Not that she did n't think her son was good enough for her , oh no !
22 Her legs , she said , refused to work and she did n't think she could go on .
23 She did n't think that it was her place to do so nor did she want to appear to be a burden to the man she loved .
24 She did n't think of anyone else except herself .
25 She accepts that she then was confused , she did n't know what to do erm she did n't think there was any point in getting out of the car which is what sh she should of done , she should of tried to make some enquiries about the child er , but she er , she looked around shrugged her shoulders and and then carried on her journey because she did n't think there was anything else she could do about it .
26 She accepts that she then was confused , she did n't know what to do erm she did n't think there was any point in getting out of the car which is what sh she should of done , she should of tried to make some enquiries about the child er , but she er , she looked around shrugged her shoulders and and then carried on her journey because she did n't think there was anything else she could do about it .
27 On Starr Hills , she 'd been able to talk to him ; but she did n't think she could now .
28 I promised Fand I 'd bring her Undry , she thought ; but even Fand said she did n't think it would do any good … and there 's no point thinking about it because I just ca n't .
29 At least she did n't think so ; she used to scold Constanza for saying they were rich , when of course they were for Italy .
30 But she did n't think it would be advisable to stand in the way of Isabelle Defries , either .
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