Example sentences of "she have come back " in BNC.

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1 In fact , liberal or not , she has come back to work for the ANC , though her exact capacity is not made clear .
2 Keith Parker , manager of the centre where Joanna works , said : ‘ It is absolutely brilliant that she has come back safely . ’
3 She has come back with Hywel 's dinner .
4 That she has come back into our world again :
5 Dot had been away and now she had come back .
6 And she had asked him what would have happened to her if she had not had these good friends who had come to her aid and given her shelter , and when , in the form of an excuse , his answer had been , did n't she realize that he was distracted ? she had come back with , did n't he realize he had almost killed a man , that he was lucky he was n't in gaol now answering a charge of murder ?
7 She remembered that fated evening when she had come back from Wimbledon after seeing Hindley Foster .
8 Ever since that ghastly winter 's night when she had come back from Wimbledon and said she was pregnant .
9 Finally she returned to her dorm , terrified not so much at the prospect of getting caught but because she had come back empty handed .
10 I wished I could , for I could n't forget that what she had said had seemed significant , and of greater , stronger import than anything she had said since she had come back .
11 For she had come back .
12 She had come back to the nursery ready to sympathize with Nannie about the underarm cramp caused by her inside .
13 Had n't everything gone wrong from the moment she had come back to Eastlake ?
14 Could it be Claudine , incensed that she had come back ?
15 Wrathful had worked round the downhill side of the thicket until she lost the scent ; now she had come back and was working around the uphill side .
16 When at last they lay quietly , her head resting on Luke 's shoulder , her hand spread against the damp warmth of his skin , Fran felt as though she had come back from some great journey that had shifted her conception and understanding of everything .
17 That , she thought , was as good an idea as any , and on silent feet she went as swiftly as she had come back to her kitchen .
18 He did not believe that Rose , if she had come back into the flat , would have let the cat out , or left it unfed .
19 she 's come back apparently Matt was saying
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