Example sentences of "she [vb mod] not give " in BNC.

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1 She must n't give up hope she told herself .
2 She knew she must n't give in to it .
3 Belle 's angels told her that this terrifying woman suffered excruciating headaches and that she must n't give up .
4 Mr Browning motioned his wife to be quiet and taking Wilson 's arm conducted her to the door , saying something to the effect that she must not give way to gloomy thoughts and that doubtless she was tired with a young baby still nursing and a house to run .
5 She must not give in .
6 A CHARGE of rape on a mentally handicapped girl was dropped yesterday after a judge ruled she could not give evidence against her alleged attacker .
7 She felt she could not give up totally , but settled for three or four slim cigars a day instead of ten to fifteen cigarettes .
8 She sensed that he needed more , and this was something that she could not give … the secret places of her mind .
9 Aycliffe 's face , kind but serious , demanding of her the condemnation she could not give .
10 She could n't give me times , dates , anything .
11 She was baffled when she could n't give herself , or would n't give herself , a satisfactory answer .
12 She could n't give herself to Ahmed and could n't keep herself for me , you understand . ’
13 Even if she 's afflicted with those dark curly sprouts which creep up from the bikini line , ultimately shrouding the bellybutton in a rich hirsute outcrop , she could n't give a fried calamari .
14 She knew they were n't suited to each other , really ; she did n't love him , but she could n't give him up just yet .
15 She could n't give in to intimidation .
16 She was n't sure just how she felt , but she retained enough control to know that she could n't give in to shock in front of fitzAlan .
17 And she could n't give you any stronger than a certain level could she ?
18 No , she could n't give me erm the the , the one
19 Fear almost stopped her when she thought of this , but she would n't give in to it , for she could see the smoke billowing up .
20 She would n't give any explanation , so I assumed it was to collect a present that was too big to hide at home , like a bike or something .
21 What she would n't give for a nice warm lap to rest her head in .
22 Stepping over the jagged icy rocks towards the bowed walls of Hell , she heard Zulei laughing , but she would n't give the mind-catcher a second chance at her .
23 She told me she would n't give you anything else . ’
24 She would n't give him the satisfaction of showing any further anger or distress .
25 If she tried to evict him an undignified struggle would only ensue and she would n't give him the satisfaction .
26 Tonight she would n't give him the chance to do his disappearing act .
27 But she would n't give him that satisfaction .
28 No , sir , she would n't give him the satisfaction .
29 She would n't give us a little
30 No I do n't , but nevertheless nobody knew only people like us and the neighbours , how that kid was every day when her mother to the T S B and her mother according to Julia had her because it was the done thing her mother , her own mother would n't have her , Kerry to look after her and I know that for a fact because one time when Ross was ill , Julia said I ca n't have her and she said oh god I suppose I 've got to go and beg my mother to have her now she did , but the woman said to Julia , I mean she would n't give up her job , they had a four bedroomed house , two bloody great cars , eleven cats
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