Example sentences of "she [vb past] wait [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the time that was over Constanza was in a fatalistic mood , she agreed to wait until the autumn .
2 Nor had she seen anyone she knew at the airport while she 'd waited for her flight .
3 She seemed to wait for an initiative from her friend .
4 As she turned to wait for me at the end of the path , I felt I was looking at her for the first time : her face paler than her arms , a blonde shadow on her upper lip , no lipstick .
5 She decided to wait until eleven o'clock , when the medical rounds were usually done .
6 She kept waiting for him to do something , but he hesitated , as if he were waiting for her .
7 She appeared to wait for me to go on .
8 As it happened , this queen mother was the most remarkable and able of them all , and it is therefore something of an irony that she had to wait for twelve years , until 1554 , and stage a successful coup , before obtaining the place which earlier queen mothers had immediately enjoyed .
9 After the concert she had to wait for four minutes before McCartney could rejoin her … while he accepted a standing ovation .
10 She had to wait for some time before the door was opened , and she hoped very much that it would be opened by Clelia , but it was not ; it was opened by a thin , brown , balding , youngish looking man .
11 Clare was fired for turning up late after she had to wait for a doctor because Josh had a temperature .
12 ‘ I offered to bring her back again but she said she had to wait for Angharad . ’
13 She wanted desperately to reach out to him , but she knew that she had to wait for him to make the first move .
14 Because of the extensions of the life of that Parliament as a consequence of the war , she had to wait until 1945 to fight an election , which she won with a majority of 665 .
15 Doctors told her she needed an emergency hysterectomy , but because of a bed shortage she had to wait in agony for three-and-a-half hours .
16 All the day before , she had waited for half an hour to go off walking by herself and it had never come .
17 Cold with fear , she had waited for take-off , willing it not to happen , knowing it would .
18 According to Ben , she had waited for him and he had failed her ; never mind that the real fault was not his , or that he had lain at death 's door , or that he had been loath to go to her as a cripple , with nothing to offer but a life of struggle .
19 She had awakened early , busied herself with her bags and , while she had waited for the taxi repeatedly told herself that men were a species that she would avoid at all costs from here on in .
20 One Saturday morning she had waited for an hour and a half outside the dentist 's where he had gone to have a troublesome tooth fixed .
21 Hyacinth felt excluded from it all , and rather wished she had waited for Carole Swan , or for Angela Cartwright , the delegation 's leader .
22 Juliet was waiting for her father 's denial , as she had waited for her mother 's , but again , it did n't come .
23 This she had waited for all her life .
24 She had waited at the beech tree until the sky began to darken and the sudden , distant roar of aircraft engines told her that soon the bombers would be flying again .
25 It was , I thought , a measure of her self-control that she had waited until now to express her annoyance .
26 She had waited behind the hedge in the front garden , ready to smuggle him into the house without alerting the neighbours , but he never arrived : she had drunk half a bottle of white wine as she waited and now felt slightly sick .
27 He thought her pleasure in Florian 's win was for her once and future lover and , presumably , that in her euphoria she was going to let him jump this queue of men he had convinced himself she had waiting for her sexual favours .
28 Yeah but she said wait for
29 First she wanted to learn and see , she wanted to wait for a man who did things and was something on his own .
30 As she stood waiting for a taxi a speeding car appeared out of the freezing fog .
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