Example sentences of "she [verb] [adv] towards " in BNC.

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1 She turns back towards her camp .
2 In fig. 122 Herakles stands three-quartered , offering the birds ' bodies ( lost ; we know the subject from Pausanias ) to Athena , who sits up on a rock on which her left hand rests , legs three-quartered away from Herakles , but she turns back towards him .
3 As she gazed intently towards the small group that was her family , a great sadness filled Beth 's heart .
4 Excited to find she could just make out traces of narrow fields with dividing banks and walls , she ventured further towards a rounded mound which could well have been an Iron Age barrow , and just beyond it she found the standing stone , where she shivered pleasurably , her imagination running riot about the monolith 's precise function in the days when the settlement had been a live , thriving community .
5 She shook her head as she moved slowly towards him .
6 She moved past towards her bedroom door , forcing him aside .
7 She moved easily towards him , and he would have backed away but for the stone wall against his shoulders .
8 Resolutely , she moved swiftly towards the kitchen .
9 ‘ Wait ! ’ called out the gentleman , as she moved swiftly towards the door .
10 Worried , she moved gently towards him as his speech grew ever faster .
11 Cross ? but why as she walking back towards it ?
12 Without really thinking where she was going , she headed blindly towards her room .
13 She was spiteful and unkind , both to Isabel and to her son — until his mother was dead , when she changed dramatically towards Benedict at least .
14 The wash of waves on the pebbled beach , the crying and calling of the wheeling gulls , the silver chain of sound from a lark above the cliff-top , and , as a final coda , the distant , breathy note of the ferry 's siren as she drew away towards the west .
15 She sidled cautiously towards the equipment , and perched on the edge of a deep mahogany box .
16 I shook my head , and with a toss of her spiky white hair she veered away towards Murphy and Hauptmann .
17 The Renault shot forward and slewed from side to side in the snow as she drove fast towards the gates .
18 She drove fast towards the clinic , her mood angry .
19 She twisted contemptuously towards the companionway .
20 As she came back towards the drawing-room , Robert was waiting in the hall .
21 Feeling Rune 's eyes on her , she turned enthusiastically towards him , making no attempt to hide her ingenuous pleasure .
22 She turned slowly towards Brien .
23 Theda 's eyes lit with sudden hope and she turned eagerly towards her .
24 She turned blindly towards the steps , running to the top , leaving him to follow on with her bag .
25 Desperately , she turned back towards the room and tried to apply her mind to more practical matters .
26 She turned back towards Léonie , with a recomposed face .
27 She turned back towards the kitchen and the dogs ' suppers .
28 Automatically she turned back towards her garden , and he followed her .
29 She turned languidly towards the sound and spoke very distinctly .
30 Something in her manner must have got through to him , for when she turned abruptly towards the sitting-room without another word he followed her , his face clouding .
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