Example sentences of "'s demand for a " in BNC.

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1 She sidestepped Mr Shore 's demand for a select committee inquiry into the ‘ enormous ’ threat to Westminster 's powers posed by the last two stages of the Delors plan , centralised banking and budgetary controls .
2 The bill accepts the administration 's demand for a $150,000 limit on the punitive damages that women may seek from companies that practice discrimination ( although there is no limit on compensatory damages ) .
3 Jacob 's demand for a blessing is only what we would expect , and yet it prepares us for the turning point in the story , which follows immediately afterwards , and takes us back into the clearer air of the larger narrative .
4 Meanwhile , in an unprecedented climbdown the Football League yesterday agreed to Bristol City 's demand for a change of referee in their First Division game at Watford on December 5 .
5 But the plan has foundered in the EC 's demand for a general liability clause , a feature that has proved difficult to sort out on an international level .
6 It also is at least implicit in Gouldner 's demand for a reflexive sociology heralded in Coming Crisis .
7 The North refused to accept the South 's demand for a change in the repertoire , and a full Red Cross meeting scheduled for Dec. 15 was called off .
8 Particularly controversial was the Slovak government 's demand for a division of control of the country 's oil and gas pipelines from the Soviet Union , which raised fears in the Czech republic over the supply of vital energy resources .
9 Confronted by this statement , Giraud accepted de Gaulle 's demand for a central French authority to be headed jointly by the two men .
10 Mr Bush continues to say that Iraq must fulfil to the letter the UN 's demand for an immediate , complete and unconditional withdrawal .
11 He added : ‘ Greenpeace 's demand for an immediate zero emission policy is naive .
12 Moynihan and his growing body of supporters ridiculed this proposal , and many commentators felt that the administration would find it very difficult to reject Moynihan 's demand for an immediate social security tax cut ( which would benefit all citizens ) whilst pursuing a reduction in capital gains tax which would be of chief benefit to those who were already among the most wealthy .
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