Example sentences of "'s demand for the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Prescott 's demand for the tunnel to be taken into public ownership goes beyond existing Labour Party policy .
2 A tribunal in The Hague is slowly resolving each country 's claims against the other , including Tehran 's demand for the return of $12billion in military equipment and spare parts which the regime says were paid for but never delivered .
3 The Metropolitan 's first move in this case was to invoke the statute of limitations to block Turkey 's demand for the return of antiquities acquired by the museum through gifts and purchases about 20 years ago .
4 Although the Crown Prosecution Service and Attorney General 's office were adopting the usual caution of lawyers yesterday , there can be no doubt that TODAY 's demand for the Courtney sentence to be re-examined has led to action .
5 Needs are always related back to capitalism 's demand for the social reproduction of its labour force .
6 Only after a time did I force my attention to the other problem — Gharr 's demand for the phetam in return for Mala .
7 On Jan. 15 , 1990 , the LDP secretary-general and former Foreign Minister , Shintaro Abe , visited the Soviet Union for talks with the Soviet President , Mikhail Gorbachev , concerning Japan 's demand for the return of the four southernmost Kurile islands ( known in Japan as the " Northern Territories " ) which had been occupied by the Soviet Union since 1945 .
8 An official statement declared that the decision was separate from the talks on the bases , but that it had been " influenced " by the Philippine government 's demand for the fighters to be removed by September 1991 .
9 Yon also reiterated the North 's demand for the suspension of the annual South Korean-United States " Team Spirit " military exercise , the release of those imprisoned for making unauthorized visits to North Korea , and the abandonment of South Korea 's aspirations for separate membership of the UN .
10 Miyazawa promised that , by the middle of the year , his government would produce a plan for cutting the deficit , but he resisted Roh 's demand for the transfer of technology as a form of compensation for the trade imbalance .
11 Paddy Ashdown , the Liberal Democrat leader , repeatedly linked any co-operation to his party 's demand for the introduction of some form of proportional representation in future parliamentary elections .
12 Notice that the relationship expressed in Table 5 can be written algebraically as follows : where NI is the firm 's net investment measured in numbers of machines , D , is the current demand for the firm 's product and D t is last year 's demand for the firm 's product .
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