Example sentences of "'s father had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Preston 's father had decided to vary the tradition by volunteering , whilst in the Royal Navy , to be bombed by a low-flying aircraft with bags containing radioactive dust .
2 Davide 's father had shaken his head .
3 By the time that Colt 's father had warmed a broth to take upstairs with the scrambled egg and toast that he would himself eat for his supper , the letter to his son would have been delivered to the Colonel 's department .
4 Sartre records that by 1920–21 , the personal predicament of Nizan 's father had become so desperate that he had taken to disappearing at frequent intervals from the family home at night , disappearances which Sartre interprets as " attempted suicides " .
5 When he had recovered from his embarrassment , Alexei 's father had freed her — on the grounds that it was improper for a woman to be bought and sold like merchandise — and with Mei Ling 's consent had opted to marry her .
6 Once long ago , Otto Werner 's father had danced with Esther Breuer 's mother , on New Year 's Eve , in Vienna , in 1925 : but neither of them remembers the incident , and therefore , perhaps , it does not exist ?
7 Jack 's father had asked him not to mention the accident in front of the younger children .
8 Glyn 's father had retired two years ago and now Glyn had taken his place , working with Ned Clarke , who had been her mother 's solicitor , a rather dour , calm-faced man who always slightly worried Jenna .
9 They would has/e swum naked only Rufus 's father had discovered them doing this and made a fuss out of all proportion to the offence , if offence it was .
10 In earlier evidence the court heard that both the detective in charge of the investigation , Superintendent Muchuri Wanjau , and the dead woman 's father had cleared of blame Stephen Watson , an English safari leader , and an Australian marine biologist , Glen Burns .
11 Over three-quarters of the taxable imports into England came through the port of London , so that collecting the London duties provided a chance to become very rich ; this was how Sir Thomas 's father had gained his fortune and his title of ‘ Customer ’ Smith .
12 Further research revealed that the grantee 's father had called himself Mangnall .
13 The table he sat at was circular and made of pine or what Hilbert and Adam 's father had called deal .
14 The laibon 's father had explained to Fahfakhs that the family was ready to pay compensation , up to the full amount possible .
15 The patient 's father had presented in 1976 at the age of 69 with rapidly progressive dementia associated with ataxia , myoclonus , and pseudoperiodic complexes on electroencephalography .
16 Angel 's father had inherited 4,000 acres , but had sold off so much that only 800 acres were left for Angel and his three sisters .
17 Philip 's father had served in the Irish Guards in the First World War , and was always referred to by his rank .
18 It was not far from where Raoul 's father had lived , the same kind of two-storey place with a walled garden , ornamental trellis gate , and roaming dogs .
19 ‘ You 'll disgrace us all , ’ Arty 's father had said .
20 ‘ They taught her to write nicely , ’ Benny 's father had said approvingly .
21 ‘ God , that would turn a few of them over in their graves up there under the yew trees , ’ Benny 's father had said , but again there was no explanation of why .
22 Yeremi 's father had said , ‘ It is His will that we cleave to our station , where we are safe , and thus secure the safety of our hive . ’
23 Would your answer be different if William 's father had said , ‘ If you pass the examination I will take you , etc. ? ’
24 Boswell 's father had rendered Lady Macleod of Dunvegan some legal service in a dispute with the laird of Brodie and James basked in the repayment of the compliment .
25 And when they 'd separated after the cash had run out , his mother had coped ; Stuart 's father had gone abroad , eventually they 'd lost touch .
26 John 's father had told him vague stories about a grandfather who was said to have spent his time in mysterious pursuits of his own , returning home at intervals to sire another child before disappearing again .
27 In retrospect it can be seen to mark the beginning of the end of the Pahlavi dynasty , which the Shah 's father had founded just fifty years before .
28 Fred 's father had owned a pub near a music hall where Arthur 's father had often played , and before their sons were even born the men had sometimes had Saturday-night booze-ups together .
29 Pepita 's father had died two months previously .
30 John Tennant 's father had died while John was still in his twenties and as well as taking over Laigh Corton Farm , he had taken responsibility for his mother and the rest of the family .
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