Example sentences of "'s father [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We are kept reading by the promise of an original sin or trauma that will justify — either in psychological or moral terms — the very existence of the story , but stripped of the successive identities he has built up over the years , Philip 's father is revealed as no more than an insecure , over-imaginative little boy .
2 Jamie 's father is helping to organise a protest group , which may yet take Thames Water to court for damages over the cryptosporidia contamination .
3 ( Use only whole numbers ) b ) Jimmy 's father is going to put a steel edging around the table top .
4 9 Jimmy 's father is making a table top to have an area of 16m .
5 Andrew 's father was lost at sea during this tragic incident and both Judith and he spent hours in the cold Atlantic waters before they were rescued .
6 Sir Peter Hall , researching a new production of The Merchant of Venice , discovered in the archives that the Bard 's father was prosecuted twice for usury .
7 The family Olive Saunderson married into had a story to equal her own , also stretching back to the seventeenth century when Zachariah Field left Yorkshire to settle in Massachusetts as a yeoman farmer Norman Field 's father was born there in 1831 .
8 ‘ It all started with the accident … the accident five years ago when Silvia 's father was killed . ’
9 Mr Pachkoria 's father was killed .
10 Mr Pachkoria 's father was killed .
11 Fothaid 's father was blinded and Cathail 's killed in the year King Duncan died .
12 Ramsey 's father was determined to have the boy at his own university and if possible at his own college .
13 The marriage contract reveals that Martin 's father was living on the rue St Louis in the parish of St Barthélemy , and establishes his address and presence in Paris in 1666
14 Steiner 's father was involved , as you know , in a series of army plots aimed at assassinating Hitler .
15 Davide 's father was remonstrating , ‘ What 'll it cost ?
16 Sophie 's father was put in prison by the French , but Felix and his father had helped him to escape and leave France .
17 Benjamin explained : ‘ The King 's father was murdered when James was but a boy .
18 Dr Reid , author of a book on the Orkney case , claimed : ‘ There is not a shred of evidence of any form of abuse , physical or sexual , since the children 's father was taken out of circulation . ’
19 Mafouz 's father was cradling the boy in his arms and saying , in a deep voice , ‘ Speak to me , Anwar !
20 When Tony 's father was interviewed he said he felt angry with Tony for having taken the tablets , especially as his girl friend , Pat , had been with him when he found Tony unconscious .
21 A fortnight before Anna and Peter were married , Anna 's father was knocked down in the Fulham Road at two in the morning by a van driving without headlights .
22 It was not so easy to find the cemetery where Mrs Zamzam 's father was buried .
23 The little boy 's father was lifting him out of the boat .
24 Bobby 's father was dying and she could n't trace their son .
25 Árpad 's father was offered as a human sacrifice before the trek began .
26 Well I I think er it 's it 's quite hard to talk about it but er cer I th I think people were grieved that the bonus system that had been going since the quarry was started up again by 's father was gon na be scrapped with really no consultation with the workers if you like , and I think everybody thought that you know we 'd been producing a lot of slate and been paid well for it previously and he should leave well alone .
27 ‘ Cafiero , that rich son of a pig , he came this way , tried to make the peasants rise on his own estates , ’ Davide 's father was talking , ‘ but he found them hard to excite down Acquaqueta way in spite of everything .
28 He added that the children 's father was working in the United States .
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