Example sentences of "'s political and [adj] " in BNC.

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1 CD satirized the University 's political and religious conservatism in The Examiner ( 3 June 1843 ) in a piece entitled ‘ Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Condition of the Persons Variously Engaged in the University of Oxford ’ ( MP ) .
2 Ironically , McMurdo 's political and religious opinions never interfere with money .
3 Stokes 's political and religious views are less clear than those of many leading parliamentary commanders , but he was an able , tough , and reliable officer who earned tributes from four of the generals-at-sea ( Blake , Richard Deane , q.v. , Monck , and Mountagu ) .
4 The peculiarities of Ulster 's political and religious life clearly confuse most outside observers .
5 It is important here to draw attention to d'Indy 's political and religious beliefs - beliefs remarkably similar to those of the Action Française , an authoritarian , ultra-nationalistic and counter-revolutionary movement formed soon after the Franco-Prussian War.D'Indy came from an aristocratic family and , apart from an early flirtation with Bonapartism , he remained throughout his life an ardent Royalist .
6 Opposition victories over the ruling communist parties in both republics threatened to deepen Yugoslavia 's political and ethnic crises , the victors having put forward manifestos featuring demands for greatly increased autonomy for the republics , even to the point of secession from Yugoslavia .
7 Free elections , which could result in the Communist Party being reduced to playing a junior role , are seen as the only realistic way forward to end East Germany 's political and economic crisis .
8 BULGARIA 'S new leader , Mr Petar Mladenov , yesterday purged many hardliners from the Communist Party 's ruling politburo and central committee , while heaping blame for the country 's political and economic crisis on the former leader , Mr Todor Zhivkov .
9 His two most recent books on Bulgaria 's political and economic restructuring netted him 42,000 levs , which is a 14-year salary for an average Bulgarian .
10 He had arrived in Europe knowing nothing about the European motor industry or the Continent 's political and economic environment , except from what he had read on the subject at Harvard Business School and in Detroit Central Office reports .
11 Confucianism , in other words , is central to the coming triumph of the region : we shall examine it in more detail later , and perhaps will come to recognize its new strength , its new status on the world 's political and economic stage .
12 Despite Khruschev 's bluster , it did not threaten the existence of West Berlin , but the wall put an end to the unedifying spectacle ( for Communists ) of thousands of East Germans travelling to Berlin and escaping to the West , an exodus underway throughout the 1950s which had seriously threatened East Germany 's political and economic stability .
13 The research will concentrate particularly on the changing role of the city 's political and economic elites .
14 The EC Commission on March 30 described the loan as " a mark of our confidence in the will of Hungary 's political and economic leaders to achieve political reform and economic recovery " .
15 The Presidential Council , which was authorized to formulate and enact " necessary measures " to tackle the country 's political and economic crises , was also named by Alia on Feb. 22 .
16 ( In today 's political and economic climate , it is unlikely that research proposals based on the work of an obscure German geologist ( Wegener ) supported only by an even more obscure South African theoretician ( Du Toit ) would have any chance of getting an ‘ A ’ rating from a Research Council ) .
17 The failure of the insurgents to secure the country 's political and economic nerve-centres , the provision of German and Italian military aid and the resistance put up by the defenders of Republican legality had turned the insurrection into a war whose duration or outcome no one could foretell .
18 The trial only revealed Godoy 's political and moral isolation and convinced Napoleon that these ‘ dirty intrigues ’ made either faction an impossibly unreliable ally .
19 But feminists rapidly became aware that the state itself was patriarchal and needed profound transformation if they were to be fully represented in the nation 's political and moral life .
20 In giving patronage to Namibia 's artists , the media would be fostering a vital symbiotic relationship between media practitioners and culture creators , the two social groups which should be the critics of the nation 's political and socio-economic life and the conscience of our society .
21 In giving patronage to Namibia 's artists , the media would be fostering a vital symbiotic relationship between media practitioners and culture creators , the two social groups which should be the critics of the nation 's political and socio-economic life and the conscience of our society .
22 The influences on Laski 's political and legal thought are many and various .
23 It was alleged that Gaudin had corruptly employed an opposition supporter during the campaign to investigate Tapie 's political and personal life .
24 It is important to contextualise Nizan 's political and ideological development at this juncture .
25 They include the following : the extent to which the freedom of the press and other media is guaranteed and protected ; the pattern of media ownership allowed ; the structure of the country 's mass media ; the technology required to ensure rapid and effective generation , processing and dissemination of information at all levels of society and beyond the nation 's borders ; the extent to which the public has easy access to the media channels for meaningful , two-way communication ; and the degree to which the media , besides being a watchdog of public interest vis-a-vis the government , foster the nation 's political and cultural awareness and promote the values and aspirations which the nation has chosen to project as its identifying characteristic in the community of nations .
26 They include the following : the extent to which the freedom of the press and other media is guaranteed and protected ; the pattern of media ownership allowed ; the structure of the country 's mass media ; the technology required to ensure rapid and effective generation , processing and dissemination of information at all levels of society and beyond the nation 's borders ; the extent to which the public has easy access to the media channels for meaningful , two-way communication ; and the degree to which the media , besides being a watchdog of public interest vis-a-vis the government , foster the nation 's political and cultural awareness and promote the values and aspirations which the nation has chosen to project as its identifying characteristic in the community of nations .
27 There was no question of the popular movement , even the most radical in it , actually rejecting the PLO 's political and institutional leadership .
28 Both came to power with a goal of mobilizing the population for social and economic change , based on the idea that people 's political and social consciousness could be changed , along with material conditions .
29 Walesa had secured the backing of virtually all of the country 's political and social organizations , including the Catholic Church .
30 This muddle , and the apparent contradictions inherent in it , have obscured a clear perception of Jesus 's political and military activity .
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