Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [is] therefore " in BNC.

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1 Too much neurosis about a child 's progress is therefore unproductive .
2 The evidence for the stranger 's allegiance is therefore ambiguous , and Mitchell makes clear that the partisan 's trust in him is not unconditional .
3 The lapis in the jackal 's head is therefore unlikely to be ancient .
4 The meme of Darwin 's theory is therefore that essential basis of the idea which is held in common by all brains that understand the theory .
5 Sartre 's definition is therefore tautological : it is one history because it is ( only ) one history .
6 A major part of the nurse 's role is therefore to assess how much help a patient requires and what risks there may be to his safety .
7 Mrs. Burke 's petition is therefore a timely reminder of the issue and gives considerable support to the position that the United Kingdom has adopted in the EC .
8 An Orc 's life is therefore spent in constant battle either with his fellow Orcs or against some worthy opponent .
9 Norway 's preoccupation is therefore not how to meet its own energy demand , nor will it be for many years , but how best to exploit its hydrocarbon wealth .
10 The Library Association 's position is therefore based entirely on the rule of law : whatever is published and has not been banned by law is permissible within a library .
11 The employee 's contribution is therefore £1,284.40 and roughly equates to the sum of the Class 2 and Class 4 contributions paid by a self employed person on the same income .
12 The unconscious 's structure is therefore , as Lacan ( 1977 ) says , like that of a language , but not the same as one .
13 The Inspectorate 's observation is therefore little more than a truism , and is merely typical of the kind of thing inspectors have to say , and always have said , in their reports .
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