Example sentences of "this could [be] achieve " in BNC.

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1 Separation of the sexes was also considered desirable where this could be achieved .
2 The National Coal Board wanted to close some uneconomic pits and their advice was that this could be achieved by local talks .
3 There are suggestions this could be achieved in Britain by joining fundholding surgeries .
4 There are several ways this could be achieved .
5 This could be achieved by installing more pumping stations .
6 This could be achieved by blending the sandalwood with a little fennel , geranium or pine-needle , depending on your aroma preference ( refer to the chart below ) .
7 This could be achieved by totalling the loan counts for each interest category and then expressing each count as a percentage of the total .
8 In part , this could be achieved by widening regional policy to encompass aspects of service employment ( not a traditional focus for regional support ) and by linking approved projects with job creation .
9 A fresh look at the whole process was needed , and it was felt that this could be achieved by taking a systems view , unbiased by what was then happening in practice , ie before the Act took effect .
10 This could be achieved in a number of ways , for example by establishing a business centre or by nominating one person as head of business services , at the discretion of individual establishments .
11 This could be achieved in one of two defined ways : a two-tier board consisting of separate managing and supervisory boards ( on the present German model ) , or a one-tier board ( as at present in the UK ) but with a split of the management and supervisory functions .
12 Unfortunately , the clean/crunch and OD1/OD2 switching has to be done manually , and if this could be achieved via a footswitch it would in effect make this a four-channel combo with all the versatility which that implies .
13 Now in a language of potentially unlimited generative capacity , I fail to see how this could be achieved for all expressions across all patterns of combination in the first way described above .
14 The British public , after years of sacrifice , were less and less inclined to tolerate prolonged austerity ; and , though in other fields the Labour Government was extremely successful in diverting resources away from consumption and towards investment and exports ( at considerable cost to its own political popularity ) , there were limits to the extent that this could be achieved in electricity .
15 However , their views on the way in which this could be achieved were quite different .
16 This could be achieved by limiting the increase in personal tax allowances , and using the money saved to , for example , introduce more generous depreciation allowances against new investment .
17 Until recently , the only means by which this could be achieved was by manual entry , involving many hours of repetitious labour .
18 For static recognition , this could be achieved pre-processing the whole text to determine the topic .
19 This could be achieved by removing all " deadening and mechanical influences " thereby inducing " a hope that the movement [ centred upon the English Association ] would penetrate the homes of the future " .
20 Asked how this could be achieved with just one technician and with MacDonald ( putatively chief engineer ) spending his time at Norton , he replies : ‘ Ask our customers ’ .
21 If this could be achieved — and there seems little reason why not — then a whole new phase of storage protection could begin instead of trying to adapt systems which , while suited to use in a hot gas layer beneath a ceiling , are not basically suitable to the problems involved in high-racked storage .
22 This could be achieved only through Parliament .
23 If this could be achieved , wrote the English radical Tom Paine in the early 1790s , ‘ the intrigue of courts , by which the system of war is kept up , may provoke a confederation of peoples to abolish it ’ .
24 ‘ I first investigated the possibility of studying for an occupational health certificate in 1975 , but at that time the only way that this could be achieved was by full-time studying and I could n't do that because of family commitments .
25 This could be achieved if solicitors were prepared to take young people into their offices on a temporary basis .
26 In Poland ( which had close historical and cultural links with Lithuania , and a common border ) the government published a statement on March 12 supporting Lithuania 's " self-determination " and expressed the hope that this could be achieved peacefully through negotiations .
27 It was denounced by many as economically dangerous and potentially unenforceable , not least because it specified the requirement of budgetary balance without providing the mechanism through which this could be achieved .
28 Regular gastroscopy , if this could be achieved , would benefit pernicious anaemia patients .
29 The main arguments for a tightening up of merger policy , along with suggestions as to how this could be achieved , are considered by George ( 1989 ) .
30 This led to a feeling that while representation abroad for trade purposes was desirable and indeed essential , this could be achieved satisfactorily through consuls alone .
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