Example sentences of "[being] [vb pp] [adv] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am sure , however , that the idea of the entire SBG being given away or sold to some form of socialised ownership would not be too popular in that quarter .
2 In both cases the greater stability and permanency of the labour force encouraged farmers to build more tied cottages in order to ensure a supply of labour — and the significance of tied cottages was further increased by estates being broken up and sold to sitting tenants , a change which also brought about a decline in the number of closed villages .
3 A nice night 's sleep seems like a nice change , but nightmares have habits of popping up , once when I was five I had a dream that my friends and I were being ripped apart and eaten by a giant , now when the time comes to go into that great big C D tea room in the sky , could you change something ?
4 Are they aware that the layouts produced by ZZAP ! are constantly being ripped off and copied by at least 40% of all other mag 's on the shelves ? !
5 When one friend was being picked on and hacked by a bullying and much bigger opponent , Burton laid the bully out ; when the referee was not looking , of course .
6 Your dog can then watch events without fear of being trodden on and hurt by passers-by .
7 Within the southern suburb , many of the 1956–7 structures were apparently disused by the second half of the century , their footings being robbed out or cut by a new ditch alongside Ermine Street .
8 Soon the hated secret police were being hunted down and shot in the streets .
9 Although projects for the reform of the courts were being drawn up and had in some cases been completed , " the date of their publication can not yet be predicted with any certainty " .
10 Back in Africa , Paul Giblett has offered further technical help to environmentalists who are considering a geological survey of the region to establish whether heavy metals are being leached out and concentrated in areas used by the elephants .
11 Although it was now early morning , the house was still in total silence , and so there were no witnesses to see Mason being helped downstairs and put in the carriage .
12 It was one of those old-established inns tucked away into the side-streets of London that have somehow avoided being bought over and sanitized by the big chains , an ivy-covered twenty-room place with panelling and bay-windows and a fire blazing in the brick hearth of a reception area furnished in rugs over uneven boards .
13 Close by are four more being washed down and wrapped for burial .
14 Spun aluminium containers are also being phased out and replaced with plastic ones , probably with a 45mm cap . ’
15 These courses are being phased out and replaced by new courses .
16 Thirdly , the growth of computerisation within the organisation allied to the advent of newer technologies meant that the ICL 1900 series computers were being phased out and needed to be replaced with systems which would meet company needs through the 1980's .
17 One who fell was beaten again before being dragged upright and pushed on his way .
18 She got as far as the other side of the wide bed before being dragged back and pinned beneath fitzAlan 's forceful weight for the second time that night .
19 Being bundled up and escorted from old peoples home to movie premiere , from infant school to racecourse , from hospital to Cup final .
20 The ground is being pulled up and relayed in stages .
21 The pivotal notion of Spandau prison being pulled down and replaced by a supermarket was one which greatly excited Brenton , signifying at a stroke both Western Europe 's descent into cynical consumerism and the wiping out of history .
22 This is a very small sample of labouring class poetry in the eighteenth century , for as A. J. Sambrook observes with just a little exaggeration : ‘ … since the discovery in 1730 of Stephen Duck … hardly a year had passed without some peasant poet being brought forward and hailed as a ‘ natural genius ’ . ’
23 Having done some professional checking Sviridenko came to the conclusion , according to his colleagues , that works of art from this collection were being smuggled abroad and replaced by copies .
24 What was once a visual statement of security in the form of dowry jewellery or even rank , marvellous skilled and beautiful objects , are being melted down and sold for scrap every day ! !
25 Victim support services for the victims of all crimes are now being set up and funded by the Home Office .
26 To all whom this epistle shall come , Greetings — Whereas we have been credibly informed by our well-beloved subject the right honourable Lord Clovelly , of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk , and on behalf of our well-beloved subject Christopher Everard , Gentleman , that the said Christopher Everard hath lately discovered several Islands in the Hesperidean seas towards the continent of America , the one called Saint Thomas 's , alias Everhope ( though this be error ) , or in the native tongue Liamuiga , and another , as the savages of those parts name it , Oualie ; that we are further informed that these said Islands are possessed and inhabited only by the aforementioned savages and heathen people , and are not , nor at the time of the discovery were , in the possession or under the government of any Christian Prince , state or potentate , and thereupon the said Christopher Everard , being set forth and supplied on our shores for that purpose , made entry into the said Islands for and on behalf of our dear Father in heaven , and hath since with the consent and good liking of the natives made some beginning of a plantation and colony and likewise of an hopeful trade there , and hath caused divers of our subjects of this realm to remove themselves to the said Islands with purpose to proceed in so hopeful a work : KNOW THEREFORE that the said Lord Clovelly and Christopher Everard may be encouraged and the better enabled with the more ample maintenance and authority to effect the same , We do command the said Christopher Everard to be possessed of the said Islands and all our other loving subjects under him : And of our especial great and certain knowledge have given and granted unto the said Christopher Everard during our pleasure custody of the aforesaid Islands and of every creature , man , woman and child upon them together with full power and authority for us and in our name and as our Lieutenant to govern rule and order all .
27 If , by virtue of the above , proceedings may be commenced in either court , the choice of court will be influenced by the following considerations : ( 1 ) where the case is eventually to be tried , ie whether in the High Court or in the county court — separate rules for each , set out below , apply ; ( 2 ) whether the county court has jurisdiction to grant the relief being sought ( see Chapter 2 ) ; ( 3 ) whether the county court has jurisdiction to enforce the judgment to be obtained ( see Chapter 2 ) ; and ( 4 ) the risk of being struck out or penalised in disallowance of costs if proceedings which are clearly suitable for one court are brought instead in the other ( see below ) .
28 7 weeks ago , a fight with two men and a teenage girl in his home town of Banbury , allegedly ended with him being run over and dragged under a car for a quarter of a mile .
29 The kitchen then became a hive of industry , with the fat being cut up and rendered for lard , kept in a big earthenware pot .
30 Having been printed on fibre-based paper , the images were masked out , hand-coloured and sulphide-toned before being cut out and mounted onto plywood .
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