Example sentences of "at around [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There had been several rapes in the London area at around that time and , sure enough , the attacker was waiting , hidden in the alley , for an unsuspecting and defenceless visitor .
2 Several lines of evidence indicate that metazoans originated at around that time , such as a decline in the diversity of stromatolites , possibly indicative of grazing and burrowing of the microbial-mat communities by metazoans .
3 At the heart of System 10 sits the Sybase SQL Server 10 product , basically the core database server which the company has been shipping since 1987 , and now out at around 5,000 sites worldwide .
4 The four-cylinder 12-valve engine also remains quiet , except for a boom at around 5,000 rpm .
5 Boys usually went underground at around twelve years of age , having previously worked on sorting and preparing the raised ores at the surface .
6 At 4,000 rpm the starter is switched off , its light checked out , the fuel cock is moved all the way forward and the engine stabilises at around 7,000 rpm and 400 ° C with the most unbelievably skull-splitting shrill piercing shriek .
7 Fuel burn at around 11 gallons per hour was what one might expect from the power plant , and the aircraft would undoubtedly benefit from turbo-charging although as always the trade-off in this is going to be increased maintenance costs .
8 Most C-Ds retail at around thirteen pounds , although they cost as little as fifty pence to make .
9 In real ( CPP ) terms , ICI 's sales have been flat throughout the period , at around 92 £12bn to 92 £15bn ; as have GEC 's real sales , at around half ICI 's level .
10 Amongst the challenges faced by P&O Distribution was the task of moving two giant bronze hands , weighing in at around five tonnes and valued at £50,000 safely through the heart of London to their resting place at one of the entrances to Chelsea Harbour .
11 In solution , the sodium and potassium anions are a deep blue colour but when carbon monoxide is bubbled in ( at around freezing point ) the colour fades , indicating that the carbon monoxide has reacted .
12 Returning to the circuit after a fairly limited playtime ( no aerobatics are allowed ) , a steady descent of 75 mph at around 1,500 rpm was maintained with full carb heat — essential at all low power settings , as C90s are notorious for icing-up .
13 They 're offered for sale at around six pounds … and in cases like these available before they 'd even reached the cinema .
14 At around six months , your baby wo n't be able to do much , but she will cooperate with your wishes .
15 At around six years of age , the child enters a wider social group and can perceive stigma , and experience a loss of self-esteem ( Wolff , 1983a ) .
16 My own work and that of Barry Troyna ( 1978 ) has strongly indicated that , at around school-leaving age or just before , black youths encounter an incident or many which incline them to reconsider their own identities .
17 He now weighs twenty nine pounds … week old lambs would normally turn the scales at around fifteen pounds .
18 Analysts noted that the agreement did little more than reinforce the status quo , since production was already running at around 25,000,000 bpd .
19 The beautifully spotted chital , or axis deer , at around 200 lb ( 90 kg ) is ideal leopard prey .
20 Most parents now take their children to doctors at around eighteen months to see whether there is a problem in responding to basic reaction tests .
21 Most nurses are first thrown into these situations at around eighteen years of age , before they have an opportunity to sort out the demands of their own emotional lives .
22 Particles containing the b quark ( bottom particles ) are the heaviest found so far , some weighing in at around 10 times the mass of the proton .
23 Their progress and welfare are closely monitored by a puppy walking supervisor who decides when a dog is ready for formal guide dog training — normally at around 10 months to one year old .
24 Twenty eight year old Andrew Hayton approached at around sixty miles an hour on his Yamaha motorbike but did not slow down .
25 The death toll was initially reported at around 250 , but later officially estimated at around 70 people , many of them poor Surinamese immigrants believed to be living illegally in the Netherlands ; a senior Netherlands police official was quoted on Oct. 13 as saying , however , that " we will never know exactly how many people were killed , and we will never know exactly who they were " .
26 The research evaluates the claim that the latter view emerges at around 4 years and that as a consequence , children 's views about motivation will change in three ways .
27 Slimmers , when tempted by the sweet section of a menu should go for the vanilla ice cream — at around 130 cals a scoop , it beats a wedge of cheesecake ( 260 cals ) .
28 In 1987 , before Labour dropped its links with unilateral nuclear disarmament , membership stood at around 130 MPs .
29 At around nine days they venture out of the tunnel their yolk sacs exhausted already 14mm long .
30 I 'd estimate his age at around nine months . "
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