Example sentences of "this [noun] appears to " in BNC.

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1 THIS STORY appears to be told by Ingulph , Abbot of Crowland Abbey , 1075–1109 , in his Crowland History .
2 ‘ The superintendent of this building appears to be a broken reed , and unless I spend the next twenty-four hours on the telephone it looks as though we are plumb out of luck , ’ he added , throwing the phone book down in disgust .
3 A badly-planned script , by contrast , necessarily leads to a badly-organized film , and the only reason anyone thinks otherwise is because so much seems to be going on during the shooting stage — money is spent , crowds of extras run in front of the cameras , tempers become heated and everybody becomes very tired — that the person trying to control this chaos appears to the casual observer as the only significant creative force .
4 This criterion appears to be fulfilled by a monodisperse suspension of fluorescein-coated carboxylated latex microparticles ( yellow green Fluoresbrite ; 0.2 μm particle diameter ) ( 13 ) .
5 This submission appears to us unsound on several grounds .
6 This submission appears to me to suggest a way of making more effective proceedings in Parliament by allowing the court to consider what has been said in Parliament as an aid to resolving an ambiguity which may well have become apparent only as a result of the attempt to apply the enacted words to a particular case .
7 " With regard to the Native custom affecting cases of this kind , there is possibly no definite rule that can be made applicable to all cases and to all districts , but this rule appears to be applicable everywhere , that when a woman of one tribe or hapu marries into another tribe or hapu , her rights become extinguished , unless some act of ownership is exercised either by herself or her immediate descendants .
8 For the low risk junctions , however , this result appears to be completely reversed , the high risk exemplars have a slightly lower number of hits than the less risky ones and considerably more false alarms , this corresponds to a higher P(A) for the least risky exemplars .
9 Notice , moreover , that this philosophy appears to be in harmony , at least in principle , with that of animal welfare and , adding certain plausible assumptions , anti-cruelty .
10 They were 99.9 per cent refused on the grounds of the traffic access and this plan appears to be the answer , ’ he said .
11 German racing as I 've mentioned before in this column appears to be all the rage and there is a big meeting at Baden Baden today with John Oxx featured .
12 German racing as I 've mentioned before in this column appears to be all the rage and there is a big meeting at Baden Baden today with John Oxx featured .
13 The development of this zone appears to be related to the major underthrusting and associated metamorphism of local rocks that has apparently occurred along the Main Central Thrust some 100–200 km to the south of the Indus-Tsangpo suture zone .
14 This difference appears to be a clear reflection of the traditional lack of political sophistication amongst Black-Earth peasants .
15 As with Aplysia , a key player in this process appears to be calcium ions .
16 Although the number of older people living in institutions is small the prevalence of dementia among this population appears to be high ( see below ) .
17 Christianson ( in press ) argues that the number on the victim 's football jersey in the study by Loftus and Burns ( 1982 ) is a peripheral detail , however , in his own study ( Christianson & Loftus , 1991 ) the colour of the victim 's coat is regarded as a central detail , this distinction appears to be essentially arbitrary .
18 This room appears to be bare and innocuous , with a door to the south , but as soon as one character steps through the east-facing door , all the adventurers find themselves drawn into the Bonefield .
19 This inexperience appears to be their only real drawback , but obviously the style of architecture did not suit Hope 's taste .
20 The Combined Staff ( OVS ) of the Joint High Command , the supreme military organ , to this day appears to be without rear services ( logistics ) directorates , an operations department and a transport department .
21 The notion of ‘ acting-back ’ on this environment appears to be far from people 's minds .
22 HM Inspectorate seem to command the respect of teachers , although as Becher et al say , ‘ Sometimes this respect appears to be based on an assumption that inspectors must ( because many teachers rarely if ever see them ) be very busy and therefore very able people ’ .
23 Of the three sequences ( where that of simple geometric mosaics comprises regular and repetitive designs , and the concentric circular sequence consists of very imaginative works ) this sequence appears to be the nearest thing to a " traditional " form of design .
24 This bias appears to be an effect which arises at time of retrieval and is independent of recognition sensitivity , Locksley et al.
25 This assumption appears to be one that children take to heart very early , and rely on extensively as they acquire the meanings of their first language .
26 This suggestion appears to be supported by the description of the demon monster Asakku , with his single-eyed solar head in the epic LUGAL UD ME-LÁM-bi Nir-GÁL .
27 This phase appears to be concerned with nuts and bolts issues of securing joint approaches to working .
28 This situation appears to be primarily of theoretical and historical interest , since the newly independent state is now more frequently party to the treaty in question , or , in most recent examples , has declared its statehood through secession from another state .
29 This situation appears to be even worse as we move south through Europe , since even allowing for differences between the languages , Bjornsson notes that Italian , Spanish and Portuguese papers have very high scores , due in large part to sentences with a mean length of over 30 words .
30 Of course , the payee can request some form of security in return , but the usual choice in this situation appears to be between probably dishonour now , and possible dishonour later .
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