Example sentences of "at [det] moment [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She could sense how his body moved towards her subtly ; how , with the utmost casualness , he strove at each moment to include her in all that was said .
2 In this sense , the Panopticon was , as Foucault ( 1979 p 149 ) identified , a building whose design was simultaneously architectural , functional and hierarchical , and whose purposes were ( p 143 ) : " to establish presences and absences , to know where and how to locate individuals , to set up useful communications , to interrupt others , to be able at each moment to supervise the conduct of each individual , to assess it , to judge it , to calculate its qualities or merits .
3 The rain at that moment became torrential , drumming noisily on the thatch above her head , blotting out all other sounds of the night .
4 Ledeen said he would remember ‘ to his dying day ’ these entertaining sorts of discussions , the search for a ‘ magical simultaneity ’ in horribly complex events : aircraft full of missiles entering Iranian airspace , money at that moment jumping by electronic transfer into the right account , hostages at that moment sprung from their prisons , ‘ and all kinds of things of this nature .
5 At the far end of the corridor , almost in front of the large window , at that moment filled with grey light and rain , my father 's figure could be seen frozen in a posture that suggested he was taking part in some ceremonial ritual .
6 For John it was hard at that moment to remember the calm imperatives of economic law .
7 ‘ Oh my boy , my boy , home at last ! ’ cried Mrs Clare , who at that moment cared no more for Angel 's lack of religion than for the dust on his clothes .
8 I thought for a while and said that the only thing I could think of was that the British government did not — although it would have been slow to admit it — at that moment cut much ice with the South African government , but the United States government cut considerable ice .
9 Half a dozen men right at that moment had started out on different paths , each of which was one side of Mahoney 's life .
10 It came to me as I listened that I did n't want to be anywhere else in the world at that moment , that what I was feeling at that moment justified all I had been through , because all I had been through was my being there .
11 James Callaghan had at that moment replaced Harold Wilson as Prime Minister and he was occupied in forming his Cabinet .
12 But just at that moment came Wrathful 's opening challenge , quickly taken up by the other two hounds .
13 In order to achieve the First Five-Year Plan , figures worked out at that moment estimated that the manpower necessary for attaining the production goals at 4.1 million workers and employees ( i.e. an increase of 1 million or 33% ) .
14 She hesitated , just about to say yes , and at that moment saw Karl coming slowly down the steps of the Franz Joseph pulling on his driving gloves .
15 Leith at that moment saw no point in putting her in a position where she would have to defend him — which she would .
16 He gave the jury a list of Meehan 's past convictions , knowing that he was prevented by the rules of evidence from telling them that Waddell was at that moment serving a sentence in Barlinnie for wounding or that he had served a previous sentence for perjury at Meehan 's trial .
17 How come you 've got a decent chef ? ’ he asked Amiss , who at that moment entered the room .
18 First , the Athenians who were dismissed from Ithome for ‘ subversive tendencies ’ were not the Athenians who were at that moment overturning the Areopagus but precisely Kimon and ‘ his ’ hoplites ( but we have no right to assume that he chose them personally ; four thousand are a lot of people to know by name ) .
19 The train at that moment happened to be rushing through a small country station and the boy , looking out , saw the stuff hit a porter smack in the face .
20 Henry grasped the opportunity ; it could lead to Paris ( which the Burgundian party at that moment controlled ) and to much else , besides .
21 Dimly , in what seemed at that moment to have been another existence altogether , she remembered Jurgen and Horst arguing that there was actually something dynamic and hopeful about the forces of good and innocence being so demonstrably at risk from the satanic .
22 Ledeen said he would remember ‘ to his dying day ’ these entertaining sorts of discussions , the search for a ‘ magical simultaneity ’ in horribly complex events : aircraft full of missiles entering Iranian airspace , money at that moment jumping by electronic transfer into the right account , hostages at that moment sprung from their prisons , ‘ and all kinds of things of this nature .
23 He also took the trouble to buy and read a new book of theology which Ramsey at that moment published ; an account of the development of English religious thought from the late Victorian age to the age of William Temple — From Gore to Temple .
24 He decided at that moment to make a victim of her .
25 Though what it was that she knew , she could not at that moment have said .
26 I do n't remember the carpet coming up to hit me , nor finding it hard to breathe , nor at that moment did the judge put on the black cap and say that I must swing by the neck until I was dead .
27 Yet he is not to die : at the very last moment the image jumps slightly and then we note Custer 's singular absence at the centre of the famous circle , which at that moment begins to break up .
28 And she did n't , could n't at that moment conceive of any reason , however remote , why he would want to make love to her .
29 He was as usual training his sights exclusively on the goal currently in view , in this case the unification of South Africa , the kindergarten campaign for which seemed at that moment to require a concession to Afrikaner racial prejudice .
30 Or maybe — in a siding only a mile or two from where I lay — a cleaner 's brush was at this moment encountering the bag , wedged back under the seat …
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