Example sentences of "do [adv] have to say " in BNC.

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1 Arrested persons must be cautioned in the following terms : ‘ You do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so , but what you say may be given in evidence . ’
2 You do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so but what you say may be given in evidence .
3 We may assume that the caution was in the following terms : ‘ You do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so , but what you say may be given in evidence . ’
4 The caution shall be in the following terms : ‘ You do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so , but what you say may be given in evidence . ’ …
5 You do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so , but what you say may be given in evidence . ’
6 In other words , he would first have to be told in the language of paragraph 10.4 , ‘ You do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so …
7 He did n't have to say ‘ You did a great job on the L-100 resupply on the night of the 9th of April . ’
8 She did n't have to say so .
9 You could work there being in a trade union but did n't have to say so .
10 She did n't have to say anything more .
11 Jane worried all the way home about telling Mum , but she did n't have to say anything .
12 I did n't have to say shit to Jesus Christ if I did n't feel like it .
13 He did n't have to say why .
14 He did n't have to say those last few words .
15 Then she found that she did n't have to say a word for , his expression the harshest she had ever seen it , Ven was wasting no further time , but was letting forth with a snarled , ‘ Just who the hell are you ? ’
16 I did n't have to say anything .
17 I did n't have to say please and thank you for my milk cos I pour straight on my dinner , did n't I ?
18 That dodgy , he did n't have to say that !
19 You do n't have to say any more . ’
20 Listen , you do n't have to say that .
21 ‘ You do n't have to say anything ! ’
22 ‘ Of course , you do n't have to say anything you do n't want to . ’
23 It makes you realise that you do n't have to say too much ; a little is enough .
24 You do n't have to say too much ; a little is enough
25 ‘ You do n't have to say anything . ’
26 You do n't have to say it .
27 I am sure you read about it , so I do n't have to say much more .
28 The technique seems to be refutation by denigration : If you can attach a label to my approach , you do n't have to say what is wrong with it .
29 Well I think if you can come up with some suggestions you do n't have to say why .
30 Oliver said : ‘ You do n't have to say anything .
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