Example sentences of "they believe [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 RUSSIA is coming to Britain to sell space technology — including materials for hip joints , rocket sub-assemblies , superglues and remote sensing data on Earth — and cash in on what they believe to be a treasure trove of research .
2 ‘ They have seen a phenomenon they believe to be smoke , and with nothing but their personal opinion to guide them , they have promptly pronounced its origins as fire . ’
3 Sometimes a car slows down and the inhabitants wave and shout what they believe to be a significant phrase .
4 ARCHAEOLOGISTS working at Norwich Castle have discovered what they believe to be one of the most substantial surviving Norman bridges in the country .
5 Humans are also prone to excuse their habits by hi jacking what they believe to be scientific objectivity and fact , or retrospectively to justify their ambitions by some gobbledygook about making a contribution to nature .
6 Research shows that over a third of people in pain get relief from inert tablets that they believe to be painkillers .
7 Researchers enquire selectively into what they believe to be essential according to their conceptual bent , leaving the rest aside as incidental .
8 Nurses are now encouraged to exercise their professional judgement in safe-guarding the interests of individual patients and clients , and for some this means exposing poor management and refusing to carry out instructions which they believe to be against the interests of their patients/clients .
9 They are well practised in choosing what they believe to be the right firm to handle a particular assignment and nowhere is this more clear than in the area of specialisation .
10 This account , though it applies much more widely , is essentially the same as an explanation of these social phenomena which goes back at least to Hume , who accounted for ‘ the artificial virtues of chastity and modesty in women ’ by referring to the naturally greater disposition of males to protect children that they believe to be their own .
11 Each of the examples in this section illustrate the complexities which lie behind the definition of problem and special need by professionals in what they believe to be a collaborative relationship with parents .
12 It 's worth remembering that all drugs are open to abuse , and that people offer what they believe to be plausible explanations for such abuse : " To escape my problems ' ; " To relieve boredom " ; " To stay awake at parties ' ; " For self-confidence " ; " To be one of the crowd " ; " To help me get on with people " ; " To stop me worrying " ; " To become more creative " ; " To help me study all night " ; " It blows my mind " ; " For a pick-me-up " .
13 Sentence linguists follow one of two procedures : they either invent their examples for analysis , using their own intuitive knowledge as native speakers ( their linguistic competence ) as a yardstick , or they take language which people have actually used and remove all the features which they believe to be irrelevant to their purposes .
14 If not , they are free to treat him in what they believe to be his best interests .
15 The directors must act in accordance with what they believe to be an appropriate balancing of the sometimes conflicting interests , but the court can not intervene merely because it disagrees with the way in which the directors have weighted those interests .
16 Speculators are positively magnetised to situations which they believe to be contrary to the product of natural forces and as a result will not last .
17 The danger which they believe to be increasing is precisely the danger of the war ending too soon .
18 This is then the complete fall of the family unit as the two sisters grapple over an issue they believe to be , once more , love but it is merely desire for Edmund .
19 " Princes cede towns , even provinces , but all the ability of the most adroit negotiators can not decide them to give up a rank which they believe to be their right " .
20 To be the Devil 's Advocate , to enable/provoke the class into clarifying their feelings and articulating what they believe to be right : " I do n't see why we should share the proceeds . "
21 To the extent that Europeans know of this Oxbridge dominance , my experience is that they regard it with some satisfaction ( they have generally heard of Oxford and Cambridge ) , but that their satisfaction changes to complacency when they reflect upon what they believe to be the uniquely class-ridden structure of English society .
22 They must act in what they believe to be the best interests of the company .
23 It says that judges should follow whichever method of deciding cases will produce what they believe to be the best community for the future , and though some pragmatic lawyers would think this means a richer or happier or more powerful community , others would choose a community with fewer incidents of injustice , with a better cultural tradition and what is called a higher quality of life .
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