Example sentences of "they round the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sitting there , I think about that for a while , then I decide to bring all my plants in and stick them round the bed .
2 The prince 's personal press secretary Dickie Arbiter ferried them round the Queen 's estate at Sandringham , Norfolk , so they could film the photographers snapping the royal shooting party from a public road .
3 Because you ca n't wallop them round the head can you ?
4 Derek Jefferson had certainly whizzed them round the factory , and was already in the final assembly area .
5 And take them round the factory ?
6 Yes , take them round the factory .
7 He led them round the range of the Ochils and swept through the strath down which the river Allan poured on its way to the Forth far behind him .
8 I was putting them round the back and sat thinking about it and I said well we ai n't got no peat , so we had to rush over to Hetford and bought some very good peat , and erm , by the time I got back and started digging hole for them to go in
9 ‘ She said you did n't have the manpower to watch them round the clock . ’
10 Another care assistant takes them round the Home , introduces them to other staff and residents and helps them settle in .
11 His deputy or the senior care assistant takes them round the home , introduces them to other staff and residents and helps them settle in .
12 When they had fruitlessly exhausted their task , Myeloski called the caretaker to guide them round the rest of the palace .
13 ‘ Well , in that case we can open the presents and put them round the tree .
14 Their future was in the hands of pre-teen and teenage crews as the RYA 's Stuart Jardine and Jim Saltonstall , senior racing coach , stalked them round the lake to see how they performed .
15 So the second time I went clasping them round the waist , two , you see .
16 It will probably cost the bridesmaid a lot more in back pain by the time she distributes them round the hall .
17 It was there that they bumped into some friends of Alexander 's , a couple with two young children of their own , and spent an hour chatting with them round the café table .
18 ‘ I 'll show them round the prison , round the recreation rooms and cells .
19 Ropes and wires are fairly simple to test since it is easy to grip the ends by winding them round the barrel of a winch or capstan .
20 Take , keep them round the house ,
21 I think we tend to eat much faster , if you like , and , and to take more snacks , and I think it 's interesting that the rise of the use of a coffee table ties in a lot with the rise of people having televisions in their front rooms , because introducing the television made all kinds of changes into , just the way people arrange their chairs , not centring them round the fire any more , and a coffee table 's a very neat addition to that kind of arrangement .
22 I peered at them round the end of the house .
23 If you must use then as a temporary measure , run them round the room at skirting-board level and tape them in position .
24 We 'd just sell them round the estate , round the houses , like .
25 I believe that we would get on better with our men ; we would have less friction and less legislation if we were to meet them round the table and discuss mutual affairs with them in a suitable manner .
26 Well hopefully they 'll pass them round the table .
27 Absent-mindedly , Jackie licked his own fingers and ran them round the plate by the bed , picking up the crumbs which he transferred to his tongue .
28 ‘ I said ‘ I 'm making a citizen 's arrest ’ and , with the help of Martin and another guy , Peter Ryan , I took them round the corner to Hope Street police station . ’
29 Put them round the corner where where I did n't know where they were .
30 There 'd be other people come and had we 'd show them round the darkroom and teach them how to print , how to take pictures , and as soon as they knew how to do that , they 'd fall off and go away .
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