Example sentences of "they 'd [vb pp] it " in BNC.

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1 The government put this here after ‘ Forty-six because they wanted one spot of safety in a wilderness of hatred , and because they thought they might as well get some good of this country once they 'd ruined it .
2 Well when they dug the garden , after they 'd dug it they always cromed it down with a crome before they planted anything .
3 It was the same look she 'd directed at the men all through lunch and they 'd loved it .
4 I experienced a moment of complete terror in which my mind raced — I had been discovered after all ; it was obvious that I had a limp ; everyone could see it ; they 'd seen it all along and had chosen this moment to hit me with it , my weakest moment …
5 He searched everywhere for it , going right through the village , asking people if they 'd seen it .
6 ‘ Well ? ’ said William , when they 'd seen it all and adjourned to the pub opposite the station , an old waiting room of a pub that had not yet been converted into a wine bar or a theme park and was consequently empty .
7 They 'd seen it happen before to Gesner 's dancers , but not usually so early in the Season .
8 They 'd done it in Gaelic to cover up the vulgarity .
9 They 'd done it for Adam and Christopher and they 'd do it for him .
10 Suppose she went out into the woods with … him , and they were going to make love … or they 'd done it … and she said ‘ I 'm pregnant , you 're the father , what are you going to do about it ? ’
11 Afterwards Jed tore open the cardboard box they 'd done it on .
12 Of the women who admitted to New Woman magazine that they had slept with another man about 80 per cent said they 'd done it because they were unhappy in their current relationship .
13 They 'd done it , too , the police , and they 'd found nothing …
14 You used to surprise some of them because they thought they 'd done it before you 'd notice . ’
15 It took them what she reported it as soon as the office opened and they 'd done it at about ten twelve time .
16 But he asked me if I 'd send them er er a full report of it after day after they 'd done it .
17 I thought they 'd done it because Ray I asked a question the other morning in the Tardis , cos it was on the board .
18 At first he thought he 'd been burgled , but he was astonished to find when he called the police that they 'd done it .
19 Because that 's how they 'd done it twenty years ago , and that 's how they 're going to do it till they retire .
20 If I gave them an order to couple up a full line of maybe ten coaches , I would n't take it for granted that they 'd done it , I 'd walk up the coach , one walk up one side , down the other side and I would n't If there were a heating valve not open , if they forgot that you see , I would n't do it for them , I would go back and I 'd say , that S K third from the back end , the heating valve is not pulled down , you 've missed it , you 'd better When you 're up that way , just pull it down you see .
21 would n't it have been better if they 'd done it before
22 It was better really when they 'd done it
23 And er the thing was , we found out afterwards why they 'd done it .
24 It was er one foolscap plus of , of words you know , explaining what , what they 'd done and all this and why they 'd done it !
25 Absolutely no interest in politics whatsoever you know all they 'd done it 's you know it 's sad to see things the way they are but it seems to be that with the world over at the moment so .
26 Er if they 'd kept it separate .
27 But I did n't realize that once they 'd said it like , you know , I just
28 If they 'd been wise and told their government that this tax should not happen , as indeed many of their former ministers , like Michael Heseltine said , they 'd said it was incredibly complicated although seemed sounding easy , and would in fact bring higher levels of taxation to the lowest income people , then er if the local tories had actually acted on that and put pressure on their central party , perhaps their government would n't be in such a mess about this issue now .
29 Obviously they 'd lost it .
30 But he had it , and they 'd lost it , so he ran it .
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