Example sentences of "they walked [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Honey joined Matilda outside the school gates and the two of them walked in silence through the village High Street .
2 They walked down Cork Hill past the City Hall .
3 The pair were having a right old giggle as they walked through Heathrow airport , despite a tiring flight from Los Angeles .
4 Gabriel got out of the car and side by side they walked into Belmodes , Sloane Street , in bad-tempered silence .
5 Yeah she said that er they walked into Minehead on Sunday
6 Brownie Owl broke the grim news to the Brownies the following weekend as they walked towards Quandom Wood , where they were going to play some tracking games .
7 After a moment of hesitation they walked towards Timothy Gedge .
8 They walked towards St Mark 's Square together in comfortable silence , knowing each other well enough by then not to have to make bright conversation or comment on the weather or the buildings they passed .
9 ‘ We can learn a lot from animals , ’ Vic said as they walked towards Mr Zamoyski 's shop .
10 At least she assumed that was who they were as they walked with Leo down the lane towards her ; she did n't wait to be introduced .
11 They walked on home in silence .
12 They walked on grass , so as not to make any noise on the road .
13 She seemed to be limping very slightly , something he had failed to notice when they walked to school together .
14 Police want to talk to anyone who was in the Crown Street , Priestgate or Melland Street areas at about 4.40pm on Monday or anyone who saw the three as they walked to Melland Street .
15 This sort of behaviour was tiresome but bearable and , as they walked to Druid 's Grove , Carrie thought she quite liked him .
16 They walked for miles on the hilltops in the strong clean wind , alone with the birds and the sheep .
17 Trent turned with him and they walked in silence down through the palm trees to the beach and Golden Girl .
18 They walked in silence while he absorbed this new twist .
19 They walked in silence to a gate at the end of the orchard and into a farmyard .
20 For a minute they walked in silence hearing the rustle of the long grasses over their shoes .
21 They walked in silence .
22 She slipped her hand through the crook of his arm once they emerged into the foyer and they walked in silence to the lift to go down to the basement car park .
23 They walked in silence for a few moments then Chris said , ‘ Maureen thinks I should hate Beryl .
24 They walked in silence for a moment then Tony said quietly , ‘ You may find Terry changed , Sar .
25 They walked in silence .
26 They walked in silence for a while , then Sidney said , ‘ I suppose I did n't ought to ask , but it 's important to me .
27 Hand in hand , with pale , tear-stained faces , they walked in silence .
28 They walked in silence for a few minutes .
29 For a while they walked in silence , retracing their steps back up towards the house .
30 They walked in silence for a short distance before he asked casually , ‘ You 're not gripped by a mad urge to rip up a few ferns ? ’
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