Example sentences of "they be relate to " in BNC.

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1 It is an important implication of this that they are never a matter of how the things which have them are related to other things .
2 Descendants of the nomadic ‘ hordes ’ of Central Asia , many of them are related to the minority peoples of the Soviet Union , whom they closely resemble .
3 The hypotheses , formed after his observations , are many ; but most of them are related to the empirical findings of a long tradition and the world is spared a too individualistic interpretation of some of Nature 's more self-willed manifestations .
4 They are related to corresponding breeds in Norway , Finland and the USSR and have been bred in Sweden for centuries .
5 They are related to the larger group of long-horned cattle in Andalusia and perhaps also the longhorns of Britain and the ancient Hamitic long-horned cattle which migrated into Africa .
6 The first part of the definition of a test factor should now be clear : test factors need to be introduced only when they are related to both the variables under consideration .
7 Linguistically and culturally they are related to the Semai about whom Robarchek is writing in this volume .
8 People do give support to their kin but they do so in a way which is patchy , possibly idiosyncratic , and which certainly can not be predicted simply from knowing how they are related to each other .
9 All sources of information , if they are related to meaning , are deemed worthy of investigation and possible subsequent inclusion in the design of a ’ semantic knowledge base ’ .
10 First , they are related to subadditivity — the question of whether or not the industry is a natural monopoly .
11 It has a theoretical structure which allows for the possibility of a variety of ‘ racisms ’ , depending upon how various elements of ‘ race ’ , ethnicity and nationality are combined , how they are articulated with gender and class , and how they are related to theories in the natural and social sciences and notions in popular culture and common sense .
12 They are related to the greenhouse " geraniums " or pelargoniums and , like them , need protection against cold .
13 At Mount Stewart in County Down Lady Londonderry let rip with an amazing ensemble of whimsical statues but they avoid seeming a jumble by the purposeful way in which they are related to the whole garden design .
14 They are related to the break point of the waves and are sometimes referred to as break point bars .
15 The programme tests the stability of school effects over time , and considers to what extent they are related to measured differences in processes within schools or resource inputs to schools .
16 For modelling reality , it is essential to distinguish between different objects in the real world and understand how they are related to each other .
17 Slightly different problems arise in our next example , though again they are related to the relationship between the various topics being introduced : The " Sonnet on the Death of Mr Richard West " contains many half-rhymes and can be split into two groups , the octave and the sestet .
18 Termites are often known as " white ants ' , but they are related to cockroaches , rather than to true ants , which are related to bees and wasps .
19 If we accept the importance of these factors it becomes necessary to consider how they are related to intonation , and what intonation itself consists of .
20 Well , even even people who perhaps are not so experienced in doing it in their personal lives can be influenced I think , especially when they are relating to children , to perhaps become more sensitive to that and the children in their care .
21 Erm or they 're related to attendance at meetings you know er no
22 The parents now who they 're related to .
23 I guarantee he knows every child in the school … and their parents and who they 're related to … where they live .
24 They 're they 're related to us too .
25 They appear to have a stem : could they be related to the crinoids ?
26 Can they be related to changes in the personal income tax and social security system ?
27 The Habsburgs , the Wittelsbachs , the Royal Houses of Baden and Württemberg , even the Romanovs , all had direct or tenuous connections with the Bonapartes , while through the descendants of Eugène de Beauharnais they were related to the Royal Houses of Sweden and Portugal as well as to the Emperor of Brazil .
28 They were related to the Agnelli family and he was impressed by the connection with such wealth and power .
29 In both cases they were related to earlier initiatives by the non-aligned states .
30 Joanne began to focus on what she could see as the positive aspects of the new approach , and while she did not specifically identify them as such , they were related to the process objectives within the scheme of work .
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