Example sentences of "they [vb mod] have known " in BNC.

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1 Few among them could have known what the job entailed .
2 Besides , neither of them could have known how many there were . ’
3 They must have known that leases were in the pipeline but no one said anything to me . ’
4 Benskins increased his rent by £6,000 last year and John is convinced they must have known then that leases policy .
5 Even among perhaps a hundred girls in their year , they must have known each other quite well .
6 I rather think they must have known you were coming .
7 It was n't his case and they were n't suspects , and they must have known that he was no cheerful extrovert , flattered to be the centre of attraction while they bombarded him with questions about Chief Inspector Rickards 's likely methods , the chance of catching the Whistler , his theories about psychopathic killers , his own experience of serial murder .
8 And they must have known that . ’
9 They must have known when they sent them over , ’ he raged when he first went on short time .
10 They must have known if proceedings were taken for penalties it would be open to them in such proceedings to raise the question as to whether the duties were payable or not , as they did , in fact , in 1906 .
11 They must have known and must have had present to their minds all that .
12 In the case of the innocent parties they must have known each other for at least two years .
13 Bonnie Prince Charlie had a price of thirty thousand pounds on his head when he was being ferried hither and yon across many isles and sea-lochs of the Hebrides , and yet , and yet — the people of the west , such as Flora Macdonald and Malcolm Macleod of Raasay , risked their lives for a man they must have known in their hearts was a lost cause .
14 There was no [ overt ] Dionysiac worship among the Greeks at this time ; and though they must have known of the near-Eastern festivals , the savage excesses of those cults were totally alien to them , at least on a conscious level , and were rejected uncompromisingly .
15 ‘ We know how the girls were killed ; that they must have known or at least trusted their killer .
16 When the government broke in , broke the link between the R P I and the old age pension , they must have known that this kind of rise would not be paid by our pensioners .
17 They must have known we were real people .
18 They must have known the women would be back . ’
19 They must have known as they sighted the enemy that there was no chance for them ’ , said Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain , but they had no thought of surrender ’ .
20 The Court of Appeal concluded that this was a case of deliberate and secret action by the employees and the defendants in circumstances in which they must have known the exact result of what they were doing and must have known it was wrong .
21 He says being a little forgiving I could praps forgive them a little for us on the 1952 test , the first , but I ca n't forgive them for what they did to these other lads on the later tests , they must have known something from Nagasaki , Hiroshima and Bikini atoll tests .
22 I said he 's my father and then he falls out the fucking bed when they put him in it because they admit negligence , they forgot to put the cot side up , dad has got lack of oxygen to his bra brain , he thought it was the Battle of Hastings going on but they said there was nobody there , well surely they must have known Joy he fell out the bloody bed because he 's laying like this and he 's falling and he 's falling and bang come out , he split all his bloody head open , do you know the blood was there from the night he fell out , he fell out at half past ten at night and they never informed us , which is against the law and the blood still sat there at quarter to four the following day , all over the floor , he 's got a bloody stitch in his head which they done to him while he were in the bed , and ripped three tubes out of his arm , split all his bloody arm open
23 They must have known for weeks .
24 There is something wrong with the relationships , there is as well as somebody doing the abuse , there are other people who are somehow complicit in the abuse because they 're allowing it to go on , they must have known , surely they must have known , why did n't they do something ?
25 There is something wrong with the relationships , there is as well as somebody doing the abuse , there are other people who are somehow complicit in the abuse because they 're allowing it to go on , they must have known , surely they must have known , why did n't they do something ?
26 Yeah they must have known Chris Smith was n't there .
27 I think they must have known what they were coming for and this I 'm afraid , is one of the penalties of being open to the public .
28 Jacobsen and Hans Christian Andersen more : they should have known better .
29 Prince Charles to photographers THEY should have known he needed someone more experienced .
30 Martha Hicks , mother of his first victim , said they should have known he was ‘ deviant and destined to cause death ’ .
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