Example sentences of "they [vb base] not wish " in BNC.

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1 It may be because people are not aware that these benefits exist ; they do not wish to ask for help while they can manage on what they have ; or they may be too proud to claim , thinking that it is like asking for charity .
2 I am convinced that many students often do not understand what is being said in teaching situations , though they become adept at pretending to , as they do not wish to lose face .
3 Even the churchmen , closely tied to the opposition , stress they do not wish to be seen as ‘ anti-Communist ’ .
4 Individuals have a right not to be touched if they do not wish to be touched , since the body is private .
5 On many occasions I have heard environmentalists say that they do not wish to be ‘ tarred by the same brush ’ which has so comprehensively covered some extremists in the Animal Rights Movement and which has brought that movement into disrepute .
6 No one can be healed if at one level ( often on an unconscious level ) they do not wish to be healed , or if they can not trust , or let go of any fears that may be blocking the flow of healing energies .
7 Could this be because medics themselves suffer so grievously from the complaint , that they do not wish to talk or write about it ?
8 The supply of carpenters in Scotland will not immediately increase : it takes time to acquire carpentry skills and existing carpenters in other parts of the UK may be reluctant to move away from their own area , partly because of the cost of the move and partly because they do not wish to leave their families and friends .
9 Apparently the band members have been inundated with mail from the mothers of female fans complaining that their music is Satanic and they do not wish their daughters to have anything more to do with them .
10 They do not wish to make demands .
11 ( 1983 ) have so clearly shown , many of those who perform such roles want support , and a measure of relief , but they do not wish to abdicate what they perceive as their responsibility .
12 The courts would not grant an injunction to force people to work somewhere they do not wish to work .
13 Ideally , they do not wish for any interaction at all with the other kinds of superhuman beings .
14 A person who is tested at a STD clinic may also expressly say that they do not wish their GP to know about it , which may be important later if the GP is ever asked to write a medical report about that person .
15 But the fact that dominant classes can throw off liberal democracy when they do not wish to abide by the rules does not prove that those rules are themselves capitalist instruments .
16 Often their frustration is made worse as they do not wish to admit to stress at work in case it appears on employment or insurance records .
17 For example , while the newcomers may fail to understand the skill and local status of the farm worker , they do not wish to treat him as a social outcast — this would run counter to the notion of community with which many newcomers strongly identify .
18 Girls remain on the register of their previous schools , and take their chosen exams there , unless they do not wish to go back into school .
19 One thing is plain : they do not wish to return the nuclear arsenals to the Republic of Russia .
20 It is clear that they do not wish to take responsibility .
21 Conservative Members say that they do not wish to pursue people or insist that their will should be enforced .
22 No attempt will be made to press teacher or pupil to discuss or provide data if they do not wish to .
23 They do not wish to provide further working capital by means of borrowing or it may be imprudent to do so .
24 If the economy is in recession , no matter how low interest rates are driven , people can not be forced to borrow if they do not wish to .
25 Erm but erm I I merely pose it as as an indication that erm it is possible for local authorities to erm not open the door to development , speculative development , er if they do not wish to do so erm because it does not ride override existing structure plan policies .
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