Example sentences of "they [modal v] be able " in BNC.

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1 Some of them may be able to start up new interests , but it 's usually best to start from their own experiences in life .
2 If the receiver succeeds in his plans to sell the company as a going concern then most of them might be able to hang on to their positions .
3 But none of them would be able to muster the authority , vested in dynastic succession , of James .
4 None of them would be able to identify him .
5 They may be able to put you in touch with a drug counselling agency or other local help .
6 If you have already developed osteoporosis , they may be able to treat it or refer you to a specialist .
7 If you are disconnected , they may be able to lend you heating , cooking and lighting appliances ( such as Calor Gas fires and cookers ) .
8 Contact your ward councillor and try to interest him or her — even if they are not on the committee they may be able to influence the councillors who will take the decision .
9 They seek a chance to rebuild their lives in safety , hoping that one day they may be able to return home .
10 By arguing that stringent safety regulations here will give other , less scrupulous countries the edge , they may be able to blackmail the government into diluting the necessary legislation .
11 Schools were started in the monasteries , for Charles proclaimed that ‘ Men of God should not only live by the rule and dwell in holy conversation , but should devote themselves to literary meditations , each according to his ability , that they may be able to give themselves to the duty of teaching others . ’
12 They may be able to allay some of your fears or draw attention to further investigation needed .
13 Both are always ready to give visitors the benefit of their experience and advice ; and , at times , they may be able to arrange for newcomers to fish Loch Brora in company with a local angler .
14 There are those whose keenest pleasures in their job are to be found outside the class-room , in informal contacts with their pupils , where they may be able to exercise their own skills or pursue their own hobbies while helping others enjoy the same pleasures .
15 Our branch staff are not able to open machines or retrieve cards although they may be able to offer other assistance .
16 They may be able to lend out material about your area in the early part of the century — shops that may have been pulled down , local roads or markets , pictures of young people in clothes of the period .
17 I thought , ‘ this will make the carrying of the tea to the remaining resident members of my family an uncommonly pleasant event , because they will all smile upon me instead of producing the customary resentful grunt when I stir them from sleep , and they will say ‘ Good morning , dear husband/father ( as the case might be ) , and they will reach under their beds for the gift-wrapped goodies so lovingly prepared and concealed the night before , and handing me their tributes they will voice their gratitude to God that I have survived so far , and will express the pious hope that they may be able to repeat such sentiments on this same date for many a year to come .
18 In exceptional cases they may be able to continue for 300 yards , but beyond this they quickly become exhausted and give up .
19 Once on the ground they may be able to get to safety before the killer strikes again .
20 If you have already developed osteoporosis , they may be able to treat it or refer you to a specialist .
21 If they can identify positively the gene which is causing the trouble , then they may be able to correct it .
22 If you are elderly or disabled and have regular contact with your social services department , they may be able to help you with loans or with support .
23 They may be able to help you with a view to hiring a show vat for Koi .
24 Because deep meditation can be likened in many ways to the altered state of hypnosis , and because those who have a profound interest in such forms of meditation are likely to be on a deliberate spiritual voyage of discovery , they may be able to pass more easily through those barriers of protection normally erected by the subconscious mind .
25 They may be able to see in the dark , sense compass direction , and recognize danger .
26 Whilst they may be able to rationalize what they have done , there is usually a strong element of disappointment about the broken relationship .
27 They may be able to order bricks of a particular type if they do n't have them in stock , or it may be worth investigating whether second-hand bricks are available from demolition contractors in your area .
28 When employees are accompanied by their families , they may be able to use company housing at Pilkingtons ' expense but employees are entirely responsible for lighting , heating and the maintenance of their families .
29 They may be able to help you negotiate with the authorities — see the Helplist at the end of this leaflet for more information .
30 The prescription of glasses may not help their reading distance , but they may be able to read adequately by holding their books at closer than the normal distance .
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