Example sentences of "they [modal v] [vb infin] off " in BNC.

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1 ENGLAND — IF England are to reach the 1994 World Cup finals then they must see off Sepp Piontek 's Turkey in style .
2 It 's going to create erm a sort of sweat shop in the midst of the others where they 'll dump off stuff that they do n't want some of their own people to do or their own people wo n't do .
3 He was also aware that he was clever , and rather enjoyed trying to bamboozle journalists who thought they might score off him .
4 If I meet a new act , I always try and assess their maturity in order to judge whether they might go off the deep end as soon as they have success .
5 Many of his crew believed that they were sailing into nothingness or that they might sail off the edge of the world .
6 They did not need an extra hand until harvest , he had said , or even later when they could lay off the casual help and Richard and his father would be more than sufficient labour to see the small hill farm through the winter .
7 I mean , the young ones , a lot of them sitting around in Edinburgh and begging off the streets and that , they could get off their backsides and get a job !
8 If they harmed her there was no way they could get off the train other than jumping and , with it travelling at over ninety-five miles an hour , that did n't seem a very good idea .
9 It 's probably something they could learn off parrot fashion , but does n't have any actual meaning for them .
10 It 's probably something they could learn off parrot fashion , but does n't have any actual meaning for them .
11 And as for Derby … if they fell any lower they 'd drop off the pools coupon !
12 He told us they 'd cut off the water supply to the house , and as no one can carry on long without water , he thinks they 'll surrender quite soon .
13 They 'd get off the bus from West London there because they were such big Faces fans and Malcolm 's shop was right next door to the home of the dandy fashion shop Granny Takes A Trip — a shop which had a Cadillac sticking out of its window — where The Faces and The Stones bought their clothes
14 If it 's done a thousand miles , you 'd get nine thousand five hundred and then cos of the mileage they 'd take off a thousand divided by ten , so they 'd take a hundred pounds off that .
15 So when , if , if you were to come to sell your residence , they would knock off that proportion of the total er er which could in fact give rise to a small capital gain depending on how the er how you sold , because you might sell it at a loss .
16 ‘ I did n't realise if I agreed they would take off the old mouthpiece and put on a new one .
17 Each night they would turn off the mains water supply and Emma would sleep in the bath .
18 The death squad published a statement claiming they would cut off the head of every Committee member .
19 Now wa the , the erm war began with Operation Rolling Thunder and this was erm er President Johnson 's plan er to pound major targets in North Vietnam by aerial bombardment and make , make the cost of their intervention in the south very high , so high that they would cut off the umbilical cord and starve the , the Vietcong into submission through ground operations in the south .
20 Now wa the , the erm war began with Operation Rolling Thunder and this was erm er President Johnson 's plan er to pound major targets in North Vietnam by aerial bombardment and make , make the cost of their intervention in the south very high , so high that they would cut off the umbilical cord and starve the , the Vietcong into submission through ground operations in the south .
21 They would see off James and his Workers ' and Farmers ' Party , and every other party for that matter , in the 1966 election .
22 Boards with wider tails are more suited to jumping since they will leap off the top of a wave rather than digging into it .
23 Now if somebody has got a load of chemical open and it is being absorbed , you must protect yourself first , if they are still conscious well then they will take off their own clothing , you do not unless you have got protective clothing on .
24 Sun and Hewlett-Packard remain confident they can beat off the challenge from NT , especially where firms are scrapping their Unix-based mainframes and minicomputers for networks of desktop machines .
25 They can run off gas , coal , oil , electricity or even waste .
26 er Yes there should be some form of training , maybe people should be issued with a log book that they can cross off certain things .
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