Example sentences of "do not feel [that] " in BNC.

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1 Although Jarman is an avid painter ( he exhibited at the ICA in 1984 ) , he did not feel that that medium could extend beyond ‘ one person 's thing ’ .
2 In vacations he still went for interviews with his psychiatrist , who did not feel that he had quite got ‘ to the bottom of things ’ .
3 He taught her that the sacrament of the eucharist was so big that he did not feel that he had finished with it when he came home after the service at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning .
4 He did not feel that he would want to return to university , so he decided to apply for an unclassed ‘ War Honours ’ degree — ‘ probably not worth the paper it 's written on ’ , but perhaps enough to get him started in some profession , such as colonial service or , possibly , journalism ; he rather liked the idea of becoming a parliamentary correspondent for a newspaper .
5 You do me great honor in proposing me as your President , & if I did not feel that my acceptance of this favour would tend much to defeat the laudable object of your pursuit I should most certainly gratify my own ambition , & have the pleasure to preside at your meetings .
6 She then had to visualize walking slowly towards them , knowing that she could stop whenever she wanted to so that she did not feel that she was being compelled to go near these birds .
7 Rousseau 's tactics in doing battle with ‘ Reason ’ were very simple ; he rejected its validity altogether , and appealed to the emotions — he did not feel that the dictates of Reason and science were true .
8 He did not feel that the 15 day limit for minutes of the final meeting and responses to issues brought up at it was inadequate .
9 He could n't imagine a government servant working abroad who did not feel that tug of pleasure when he walked up the steps of his embassy in a foreign capital .
10 Parents wanted to be part of the decision-making and did not feel that they were .
11 The husbands apparently did not feel that they were ‘ discussing ’ politics with their wives .
12 Her girlfriends , particularly her former flatmates , would have rallied round but she did not feel that she could inflict them with such a burden of responsibility .
13 While they had their own ideas and theories , Diana did not feel that any of them came close to understanding the true nature of the turmoil in her heart and mind .
14 On the other hand , she did not feel that she could refuse him , because if she refused him , by what right and for what purpose had she gone there in the first place ?
15 I suspect from what I heard in conversation from others in other presbyteries is that many of them were in favour of change , but simply did not feel that what was proposed was an improvement to what we have already .
16 Unlike Jane , Mark did not feel that he would have been better off taking a different subject ; he had decided that he was unsuited to any kind of academic work , although most of his friends were arts students .
17 I told him , however , that he would have to provide the list of guests since I did not feel that I could exploit my own list any further .
18 But he did not feel that she looked upon their amorous exchanges as more than innocent dalliance .
19 These preparatory remarks were rather hesitant and repetitive ; I did not feel that extempore public speaking came easily to him ; but his readings were good , because they totally lacked affectation .
20 She did not feel that she could tell McAllister that Mrs Darrell had designs on Dr Neil , and that she , Matey , was not very happy about the idea that Mrs Darrell might become Mrs Cochrane .
21 Manager D , with a time span of two to three years , did not feel that C , with a time span of three to four , was distant enough hierarchically to take orders from .
22 I wonder how many others would have liked to sign it but did not feel that they should .
23 According to paragraph 25 of its report , the Committee did not feel that the gas pipeline was dependent on the form of privatisation that we have proposed .
24 Out of form over a long period , Lyle did not feel that he would be able to stand the pressure .
25 However , on April 3 Sainsbury announced that , despite improvements , the UK government did not feel that the changes justified renewed membership .
26 He did not feel that he needed to apologize , and said that if similar circumstances arose he would act in the same way .
27 they did not feel that they had made any substantial contribution to the report ;
28 I considered keeping observation actually on the flat but because of its its location , did not feel that it would be possible for armed officers or for that matter , any officer , to maintain observation for any period of time without being seen .
29 I mean I must be honest , I did not feel that frightened erm it was n't an acute pain that that I mean I mean one of the things that one has to realize , you can become a heart attack bore .
30 Be very clear , he wrote : I do not feel that it is time and thought wasted because the end result is less than I had hoped .
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