Example sentences of "do i mean [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The only thing I could do I mean at the same time I 'm saying O K I 'll go in to do it this way , would be to actually say , sod this for a lark , instead of doing erm totally private thing , gon na set up a private limited company to issue cheques .
2 ‘ What do I mean to you ? ’ ,
3 What do I mean by that ? he wrote .
4 To begin with , what do I mean by bottlenecked ?
5 What do I mean by limits ?
6 What do I mean by good technique ?
7 The erm other side of the coin is if the blood donor has had a liquid lunch And what do I mean by liquid
8 So , what do I mean by disability representation ?
9 First , what do I mean by an imprinting stimulus ?
10 What do I mean by nicer ?
11 What do I mean by that ?
12 What do I mean by group narcissism ?
13 What does sh , what do I mean by lead time ?
14 But if I did n't know where I was , what did I mean by the word ?
15 Well it does I mean with these light being fluorescent , they give off a small charge , when the you know when the lights come on .
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