Example sentences of "do [not/n't] occur [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The intended words for examples 1 and 4 ( steep and books , respectively ) did not occur as alternatives .
2 This time the crisis did not occur as part of a general European crisis threatening France 's national survival .
3 The sequence was still largely without dates , and more importantly , the development from one broad technological phase to another did not occur at the same time everywhere .
4 In the inner- and outer-city work in Belfast , however , these forms ( for example , fronting , unrounding and diphthongization of /o/ to /au/ , as in home , stone ) did not occur at all in hundreds of hours of recording .
5 In rural Wales , for example , taking 1938–39 as the year of the ‘ peak ’ network , considerable decline may be seen in route mileage in the first decade up to 1949 , although this did not occur at a constant rate and varied considerably in the north and south of Wales , and according to the specific operating companies considered .
6 In a prior experiment , we demonstrated that phonological coding did not occur with Korean letters .
7 All this union activity did not occur without any reaction from the elite .
8 In fact this did not occur for a number of reasons .
9 Jim and Jonathan had been away , picketing and pamphleteering in Reading , had simply been not available , and Jo 's squat had been suddenly repossessed and it did not occur to any of the women that the boys would mind .
10 Even so young Maggie was not a child to cheat ; it did not occur to her to prise the egg open , only to stay longer in the bath and to forget to take the soap out of the water , when she climbed out herself , pink and skinny .
11 In power , it never occurred to him , just as it did not occur to Mr Gorbachev until it was too late , that it was the system itself that was rotten through and through .
12 It did not occur to her for a moment that she might not be right .
13 ’ . I listened , looking vague I expect , but did nothing — not from ill-will but because it just did not occur to me to change .
14 They were clumsy , hesitant lies , yet Simon had believed them : it did not occur to him that someone as stupid as Marie could ever successfully deceive him .
15 So obsessed was he with Mary 's charm and the Casket Letters , that it did not occur to him to ask the much more prosaic but crucially important question : what effect did it have on her kingdom , in this age of religious and political upheaval and trauma , to be saddled with a ruler who shut herself off from reality whenever reality became difficult ?
16 He heard evidence from nearly 200 witnesses after the Hillsborough disaster — and ‘ The People 's Game ’ was a phrase which did not occur to him .
17 It evidently did not occur to them that the people of Auckland felt the same .
18 It did not occur to her that she valued her relationship with Prince Richard more than the love of her children , and had anyone suggested this to her , she would have been mystified ; such a comparison was impossible .
19 It did not occur to him to bring his wife with him .
20 It did not occur to her to strip her bed down and change the sheets , or even to pull them back to see if there were any more where that one came from .
21 And so happy and excited that it did not occur to her to worry about the devastating effect Paula was having on Edward .
22 It did not occur to him to propose to Emily and assume that he could live off his wife .
23 She heard his sobbing tale with less sympathy than was its due ; it did not occur to her that she herself , by coming here , had brought about all his troubles and her own .
24 It did not occur to them that , together , they could overpower the pair .
25 It did not occur to him that he might also have been frightened .
26 It did not occur to her until later that she could have asked to touch her daughter or kiss her goodbye , as her instinct urged .
27 It did not occur to the Jones that , for example , they were now insisting unswervingly on an 8pm bedtime , and that now Olwyn was being rewarded ( the bedtime story ) for making it on time .
28 The strange thing was that it did not occur to her then to follow the Way Out signs , leave the station and go out into the street where a taxi could be found .
29 It did not occur to him to look for a seat outside Worcestershire , and even if it had there was little reason why he should have secured one .
30 it did not occur to him that there might be .
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