Example sentences of "on stage [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In the middle of the proceedings a man came on stage and announced the death of the King , ’ recalls Mr Keenan .
2 At the end of the evening Sanctuary went on stage and played their song for John .
3 When Alexei Sultanov , a nineteen-year-old from the USSR , was finally declared the winner , he rushed up on stage and lifted his trophy over his head and yipped with glee and the people of Fort Worth stood and clapped as if they had been seized with divine ecstasy .
4 He started fooling around on stage and brought the house down in the process , the tough audience quickly warming to his gritty humour .
5 The audience were a comic 's dream and when Dennie came back on stage and whispered ‘ two minutes to count-down ’ I ran off to applause that made me feel like Mike Tyson .
6 Steve , 30 , was performing at the National Auditorium in Mexico when a female fan jumped on stage and attacked him .
7 Also , at the Gala Night of a Hundred Stars evening at the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton , a mime artist came on stage and found himself struggling with a sticky audience .
8 He came out on stage and called them all down to the orchestra pit right in front of him .
9 Theodore Mann , co-founder and producer of Circle-In-The-Square since 1951 , had seen Dustin on stage and wanted him badly enough to have dismissed two directors instead of the actor .
10 We used to do the live show that was never broadcast — it was just the bit after all the other stars have been on stage and mimed to their records for the audience .
11 In front of the assembled largely-Oxbridge old-boy throng , Merton swayed on stage and repeated his joke , identically , three times in a row .
12 All the same , when the cast assembled on stage and stood with bowed heads as Dr Parvin gabbled his blessing , fingers raised to sketch that insidious sign of the cross , she found herself shivering .
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