Example sentences of "on the assumption that " in BNC.

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1 The persuasion rests on the assumptions that the forms of consultation practised and of participation prompted by the best employers are a measure of industrial democracy , but not enough : that the representation of employees on company boards is necessary to establish complete industrial democracy ; that total industrial democracy , in this prescription , will so far improve industrial efficiency as to benefit materially the general interest ; and that the implicit loss or diminution of the rights of ownership should not be allowed to preclude the realisation of that benefit .
2 It relies on the assumptions that the current futures price is an unbiased estimate of the spot price at delivery and that spot prices follow a first-order autoregressive process ( Kamara , 1982 ; Ball and Torous , 1986 ) .
3 Most health education and health promotion campaigns are based on the assumptions that individual lifestyles play an important role in experiences of health and disease , and that individual behaviour can be influenced by some combination of information , emotional appeal and suggestions for change .
4 The density of CO2 at s.t.p. is thus given by It should be noted that the calculation is based on the assumptions that ( a ) CO2 obeys Avogadro 's law at s.t.p. and ( b ) CO2 is an ideal gas and thus obeys the ideal gas equation .
5 At present , some centres use photographic records to follow patients with clinically atypical naevi , on the assumptions that only lesions that show evidence of progressive change need to be excised and that such change can be clinically detected at a time when evolving melanomas are thin and curable by local excision .
6 Most drama training works on the assumption that there is something called ‘ standard English ’ , which is generally considered to be the ‘ straight ’ delivery of words without affectation or regional variation .
7 Although , as I mentioned before , rival groups of psycholinguists dispute the question of whether , when , and how the central systems exert a top-down influence upon the parsing processes , contemporary psycholinguistics proceeds on the assumption that levels of linguistic representation ( phoneme , morpheme , noun phrase , clause , etcetera ) are ‘ psychologically real ’ in the sense of referring to processes in the nervous system which take a certain time , which happen in a particular order , and which have determinate causal relations to similar processes .
8 The problem with the conclusions in both sets of experiments is that they are based on the assumption that we can infer when an experience occurs from a subject 's verbal report .
9 Most vets work on the assumption that if , after the third session , no improvement is noticed , acupuncture is not going to be effective .
10 In literature teaching the emphasis is on shared experience rather than the conveying of information ; a lecture is supposed to provide knowledge , elucidation , or interpretation of texts on the assumption that the auditors have already read them .
11 In a published argument between Scholes and Hirsch , the former made the following statement , on the assumption that the conservative Hirsch would disagree with it :
12 Eurotunnel should produce traffic and revenue forecasts based on the assumption that its fares will have to rise above those of the competition to reflect the increases in its own costs and in the cost of the rail link to London .
13 At present , compensation is paid on the assumption that all the flock is infected — 39p per bird — and not just the birds removed for testing .
14 One such senior said the intention was to allow the probationer to learn from the experience of others ( FN 4/4/87 , p. 6 ) , on the assumption that people learn ‘ on the job ’ rather than in the depot .
15 This method of analysis works on the assumption that demand patterns in country or region B will follow demand patterns that have already been experienced in country or region A. The demand in country A can therefore be used to predict how demand will change in country B.
16 A cross-section comparison works on the assumption that the current markets in country A and country B are analogous , and a relationship ( correlation ) exists in both countries between :
17 This figure is calculated on the assumption that an album retails for just under £7 .
18 The simple ironic reading is based on the assumption that the high Shakespearian allusions are really inapposite .
19 However , the American ambassador , Mr Thomas Pickering , told the council yesterday that Washington 's approval was based on the assumption that the force would take steps to halt aid for Salvadorean guerrillas .
20 All this depends still on the assumption that noise is a state with defined boundaries .
21 There was ZTT 's Frankie Goes To Hollywood , and Propaganda ; Paul Morley promoted them on the assumption that pop was run by flabby-faced cowards who did n't even know how to do their own job — in other words , it took an aesthete to know and score a hit .
22 It was his tenant John Combes who revolutionized Reddish , on the assumption that Cray would pay for most of it .
23 More riskily , the budget announced in December was based on the assumption that the oil price would average $22 a barrel for the year ; it is not much more than $17 now .
24 He scheduled the announcement of his chancellor-candidacy for March 19th on the assumption that he would bask in the reflected glory of a victory by the East German Social Democrats the day before .
25 Conservatives and liberals are both having a field day , taking liberties on the assumption that the government is too concerned with avoiding trouble to suppress them .
26 A choice between debt and equity was made on the assumption that this choice did not have to stand the test of time .
27 But , knowingly or not , junk issuers borrowed on the assumption that the subsidy would stay .
28 It can thus invest on the assumption that the contract will not last for merely a year .
29 Yet , such a view argues that the Labour Party should have gone against its declared policies , on the assumption that they could not work , and maintains that it was dilatory in its attitudes towards and actions against British fascism .
30 Basically , the projected dichotomy of the model rests on the assumption that every society recognizes a distinction between culture and nature , with ritual being the outer manifestation or expression of this recognition and representing culture 's need to regulate and control the passive functioning of its opposite , nature — ‘ nature ’ itself , of course , being a construct of ‘ culture ’ .
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