Example sentences of "with tear [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 It was the only time I can ever remember seeing him with tears in his eyes .
2 Then he looked up quite suddenly with tears in his eyes .
3 Tom put his arm on my shoulder and said , with tears in his eyes , ‘ There 's one man I 'd dearly love to be in that stand — my daddy . ’
4 Once he stood , a cooking pan in one hand , with tears in his eyes over the sadness of Byron 's life .
5 Mr T is a tall , distinguished looking man , who , with tears in his eyes , told the same story — at least in the beginning .
6 He spoke movingly of his time in the trenches in the First War and of how a whole generation , many of them his friends , had been wiped out , of the effect that the unemployment of the 1930s had on his political thinking , of how being Prime Minister was less demanding than being an ordinary Minister , of ( and this with tears in his eyes ) his devotion to his late wife , who had fallen dead of a heart attack close to where we were sitting , of his belief in God .
7 Mozart said goodbye with tears in his eyes , saying , ‘ I fear that this is the last time we shall ever see each other . ’
8 And yet , he told Vaughan , with tears in his eyes ,
9 John came home from school one day with tears in his eyes .
10 He clung to the thought until , reluctant , and with tears in his eyes , it was time to draw away from his love .
11 Churchill , who at first thought it was the Chancellorship of the Duchy of Lancaster which was the proposition and for which he would happily have settled , accepted the greater post with tears in his eyes and an expression of grateful loyalty .
12 The very day we got here he cornered her in the scullery and embraced her with tears in his eyes , saying adorada , adorada .
13 To which one general , later killed , stood up , saluted the Shah , and , with tears in his eyes , said , " Majesty , the soldiers do nothing .
14 I can not make myself write down the things that Jekyll , with tears in his eyes , confessed to me that night .
15 It is almost certainly from a Roman source — an autobiographical letter by Scipio Nasica — that Plutarch derived his picture of Aemilius Paulus , the father of Scipio Aemilianus , receiving King Perseus as a prisoner : " Aemilius saw in him a great man whose fall was due to the resentment of the gods and his own evil fortune , and rose up and came to meet him , accompanies by his friends and with tears in his eyes " ( Aem .
16 The script conference ended with Lorne shrugging his robe to the floor and asking me , with tears in his eyes , " Is this the body of an old man ? "
17 Darned counsel with tears in his eyes , murmuring about stalwart butchers ' sons who strayed from the path , and , after all , it was only paste .
18 At the moment it was the traditional tale of going up to Jackson 's at 10 in the morning after an all-night session at Dobell 's — wine we drank in those days , Poppet , wine that was wine not this filthy MUCK — and demanding double portions of oysters all round and when it came to pay no one had a penny , so Dobell , who even then still had the charm of a boy of twenty , and a slim waist to go with it , said he would bring in one of the engravings from his collection , and Gaston , who always recognised a gentleman — not like the CLODS who run hostelries nowadays — with tears in his eyes said it was an honour , an honour to serve Mr Dobell and his friends .
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