Example sentences of "with [noun pl] [verb] around " in BNC.

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1 Resource allocation and topology monitoring is also handled by the software , while network topology and client addresses are automatically learned with calls re-routed around failures .
2 Southern Herzegovina could be Italy , with its unassuming villas and family vineyards sloping across the rocky horizon ; with cars swerving around mountain roads and cows straying off the verges in ignorant abandon .
3 The styles now flooding the High Street are all dramatically long , with hemlines hovering around the ankle .
4 Graham Laine was found in a water-filled ditch with cables tangled around his body .
5 He takes his hand , puts his blond head down and wills himself to go on until he reaches his yellow bedroom with teddies stencilled around the walls .
6 Administrators should find it much easier to manage large networks of servers and cope with users moving around the organisation , especially since the new release comes with souped-up Windows-based administration tools .
7 This occured after a sustained period of Leeds pressure which resulted in a whole string of corners , the goal came from Crewe 's inability to clear the ball and after several rebounds and with players flailing around the ball broke to Deane who scored from about six yards out .
8 She stood quite still , holding the dress with arms folded around her waist , and remembered .
9 I do n't drop down into the deck well , overcrowded as it is , but remain on the edge , with arms woven around the chrome railings for safety .
10 In her decoration ‘ Lilith ’ ( Museum Boymans-van Beuningen , Rotterdam — watercolour sketch at the Tate Gallery ) it is as if she has taken one of these nudes and stood her against a tree , where , with arms wrapped around her head and one leg twisted into the other she writhes provocatively for the pleasure of the viewer .
11 Traditionally this is the sorting out round of the Schweppes , with matches dispersed around the country , but none of these immediately stand out .
12 Right : Available in a variety of options , including factory-glazed , and hardwood or softwood , Magnet Trade 's sliding sash windows can have double-glazed units with sashes wrapped around glazing and held by special bolts , or Georgian-style with traditional rebate , single glazed only
13 January to March are the skiing months with temperatures averaging around 25°F — but these days it 's wise to check for snow first !
14 A clutch of young mothers gossiped outside the shop , with children eddying around them .
15 Each atom contains a nucleus which is made from nucleons ( i.e. neutrons and protons ) with electrons circulating around the nucleus .
16 This enables part-time students to be linked into the research community and undertake joint work with others based around the world .
17 Full to the brim with photographs taken around the world of Dakotas , Constellations , DC-4s/-6s/-7s , Viscounts , Electras , Convairs and Commandos , in various colourful paint schemes , these pictures show why there is such a following for the propeller-driven airliner of yesteryear .
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