Example sentences of "you will come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You will come on Thursday , wo n't you ? ’
2 You will come on Wednesday , wo n't you ?
3 I hope you will come with us Lily and Pilade too and we will have run .
4 You will come with me , wo n't you ? ’ she asked Stephen .
5 If you will come with me , gentlemen . ’
6 ‘ If you will come with me , gentlemen .
7 You will come with us now to my house , and you will remain there until the men you have accused have been taken and questioned .
8 ‘ Then you will come with us .
9 You will come with me . ’
10 You will come with us to Glastonbury , though first we have one further task to accomplish . ’
11 We hope you will come with suggestions in September , either specific movement themes or particular facets of training that you would like covered during these sessions and the teachers/trainers you would like to teach them .
12 Really , his point made — a kind of behave yourself young lad , or you will come to a sticky end — he stood up and wandered back to the bar .
13 In time you will come to a stone vestibule , with two doors leading to branching passages you must not follow , and a low curtained door leading on and downwards .
14 Now walk through the Post Office on your right and you will come to the cloisters of the Carmelite nuns , beyond which you can see the top of the pediment of the Church of St Joseph .
15 You will come to me , Tamar , before I come to you . ’
16 After 100yds you will come to a path junction — take the right hand fork and follow the track through the ancient Caledonian pine forest .
17 Follow round the Bear 's curve and you will come to Arcturus in Boo¨tes , which is a lovely light orange and is actually the brightest star in the northern hemisphere of the sky .
18 Continue along the same line for an equal distance , and you will come to M50 .
19 If you leave this at the exit of ‘ San Donato ’ and turn right towards Tavernelle , after less than half a mile — along a turning on the right — you will come to the 16th century Villa Fillinelle .
20 On the other side of the lake , you will come to Sudan . "
21 You will come to me to ask for whatever you need .
22 Sulien Blount is here with a horse for you , and begs that you will come to his mother , now , at once , for the Lady Donata is dying , and is asking to see you again , and hear you , before she dies . ’
23 If you can bear the relentless anguish overlaid by one daughter 's inflamed desire , you will come to some understanding of this sorry subject .
24 If you listen to a text enough times you will come to a point where you more or less know it by heart , and the correct tunes will be sort of " ingrained " in your ind to such an extent that you will yourself react if you would say the text with the wrong intonation .
25 One day you will come to Leighton ? ’
26 Nothing gives me more pleasure now and if I go to the to the libraries and a young lad I say a young man like you will come to me and say , Hello Nurse , How are you ?
27 You will come to me , ’ he says , ‘ to stroke my hair , to cuddle my flesh , and to quell the torrents in my subterranean depths . ’
28 You will come to the wedding ?
29 Walk north from the car park and you will come to a thriving colony of gannets — the only English colony and Britain 's only mainland one .
30 By this time I was feeling very friendly towards them and I might have said something to the effect : " If you will just mosey on down this trail ( meaning the main road between Cambridge and Huntingdon ) you will come to Alconbury , some 15 to 16 miles away . "
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