Example sentences of "[adj -er] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One therefore gets trapped into a situation where it appears much easier to carry on in the business than to divest , or move out .
2 Nevertheless , practically all the rules have exceptions and readers may feel that the rules are so complex that it would be easier to go back to the idea of learning the stress for each word individually .
3 It would have been easier to set off in the daylight but it was n't possible .
4 This makes it easier to switch off at the end .
5 It was better to stand out at the beginning than to go in with the expectation that he would soon have to provoke a further crisis by resignation .
6 But if you can not afford to leave , might it not be better to put up with the treatment that you have received rather than becoming unemployed ?
7 Now it 's gon na be a , a bit harder to hang on to the thought here .
8 The reason for using cold water is that hot water will make the blood congeal and make it harder to get out of the needle and syringe .
9 But it 's a fair distance to walk there and it is , I suppose , a lot handier to pop down to the reservoir .
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