Example sentences of "[adj -er] [noun sg] of [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , it did seek to address the problems identified during the FAOR analysis , albeit at a lower level of attainment in the initial stages .
2 The assistant 's task is to deputize , where necessary , for the account executive ; to run meetings covering minor points of detail ( often follow-up action for major meetings ) , to attend to detail within the agency ; and , in general , to provide a lower level of contact between the client and the agency — on a par with your own assistants or subordinates .
3 Having admitted that the lower duty on unleaded petrol has helped to promote its use , has the Minister had any discussions with the Treasury about introducing such a lower level of duty for the cleaner diesel fuels which are now available , especially as BP is one of the pioneers in that respect ?
4 Approached from the sea the effect was magnificent as the buildings extended from the lower Sanctuary of Asklepios to the middle city with its gymnasia , its agora and sacred precinct to the upper acropolis city with its important temples , steeply sloping theatre cut into the hillside and famous Altar of Zeus .
5 The king derived further freedom of manoeuvre from the existence below this " imperial aristocracy " of a lower stratum of regional nobility .
6 These three hours of teaching are in turn supplemented by a further hour of lectures on the history of the Graeco-Roman world in New Testament times , on the theology of the New Testament , and on questions of date , authorship and purpose of the individual books of the New Testament .
7 I 've got to assimilate a much broader kind of spectrum outside the interests of climbers in national parks .
8 These trends have to be placed within the broader framework of changes in the total labour force .
9 The main difference , in principle , is that the version of world-system theory addressed concentrates on structural change in terms of technical innovation and the division of labour , whereas the regulationist school locates those aspects in the broader framework of changes in the structure of industrial relations , the state 's economic policy , the financial structures and the concentration of industry .
10 Whether a further wave of takeovers in the brewing industry would benefit consumers is open to debate .
11 The ever-watchful members of the Association pour la défense de Chambord ( whose members include René Huygues , Marc Fumaroli and Henri Cartier-Bresson ) spotted the recent announcement in La Republique du Centre of a public enquiry into the proposed purchase by the Syndicat intercommunal for the region of Chambord of a further parcel of land around the Saint Dyé entrance to the château .
12 The result was a further outbreak of hostilities between the three sons of Ferdinand , with Sancho pretending to side with Garcia against Alfonso , while really waiting his moment to annex Galicia and Portugal .
13 A further outbreak of strikes at the end of September , initiated by printers in Moscow , spread like wildfire , paralysing not only Moscow and St Petersburg but many provincial cities as well .
14 There is no further mention of Ambrosia in the records , and possibly she is to be identified with the ‘ Dame Ambroise de Saint-Joire ’ named in 1288 among the first entrants to the Carthusian nunnery of Melan ( Haute-Savoie ) founded in 1282 by Beatrice de Faucigny .
15 The telephone rang while I was busy explaining to Tony Crosland that I could not accept a further term of office at the Housing Corporation , since I had been appointed to the Mastership of University College , Oxford , but I had agreed to a request that I should at least stay for another year to see someone else in .
16 The move was widely interpreted as an attempt to improve the prospects of the Australian Labor Party ( ALP ) winning a further term of office in the next general election , due by mid-1993 .
17 Not long ago a performer in Paris won some notoriety for employing her vagina to swallow , and then powerfully eject , table tennis balls and the history of the seamier side of nightlife around the world is littered with accounts of vaginas that have played harmonicas or smoked cigarettes .
18 A related feature , the AliasManager , has also been added , and is claimed to enable easier management of changes to the alias database .
19 The therapist did not think that Tony was suffering from a psychiatric disorder , or that there was a risk of suicide , or of a further act of self-harm in the near future .
20 There is then the further issue of funding for the university capital developments on the site once it has been acquired .
21 It is this last which , at the time of writing , is proving to be a major issue of contention in Council meetings , as the Commission and its allies demand a considerable increase in order to fund a further transfer of wealth to the EEC 's poorer nations as part of the ‘ Cohesion Fund ’ .
22 Is my hon. Friend aware that many of us believe that there must be no further transfer of accountability from the Westminster Government or Westminster Parliament to any institutions in Europe , unless that is approved by the British people in a referendum ?
23 Each prior enlargement has , after all , led to a further transfer of Power to the EEC 's central institutions .
24 The parliamentary negotiating team , led by Dejean Belizaire , president of the Senate , refused to attend a further session of talks with the OAS in Washington on Jan. 19 , and later suspended any further talks with Aristide .
25 IMRO ( Investment Managers Regulatory Organisation ) has a degree of commonality with the TSA and AFDB and may be the subject of further consolidation of SROs in the future .
26 In a further nod of respect to the great helmsman , his portrait on the Forbidden City has been given a new look .
27 Yes I think it 's fair to say at the moment that , that , that is being looked at Mr Trotter , together with er the broader range of issues on the er the operating concept er for E F two thousand but it is of course standard practice to buy not just the number you need for the front line but to buy sufficient aircraft to keep that front line in field for about twenty five , thirty years , whatever the life of the aircraft happens to be , taking account of er attrition , taking account of training requirements and engineering needs and support needs and all that kind of thing and all that work er is , has been done , is being done at the moment and er final figures will be put to that in in due course .
28 It will ensure that the growth that we have established over the last 10 years in terms of the range and volume of health care facilities continues under future Conservative Governments , partly because we are committed to ensuring a fairer distribution of resources within the NHS , which will secure benefits for the constituents of my hon. Friends , and partly because of the commitment given from this Dispatch Box yesterday by the Prime Minister — that under a Conservative Government the national health service will have its real resources increased year by year — something which the last Labour Government were unable to do .
29 But if the patient could be restored to a state whereby he could enjoy a further period of life at the level of comfort he previously had , then it should be treated .
30 On the surface , to prevent further incursion of slurry from the subsidence , burns and field drains in the area were dammed or diverted .
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