Example sentences of "[adj -er] [conj] [pers pn] have be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some of Britain 's rivers are now cleaner than they 've been for years .
2 Certainly Churchill and Eden found that their dealings with Eisenhower and Dulles were no easier than they had been with the Democrats : in fact they often thought them worse .
3 It is likely that under those agreements extradition within Europe would in future be easier than it has been in the past , which I think the hon. Gentleman would welcome .
4 Also , although there were marked fluctuations in the number of admissions from year to year , it is clear that from about 1490 the numbers of those admitted at York were consistently lower than they had been from the mid 1380s to the 1440s .
5 He said the miners were being asked to accept wages that were even lower than they 'd been before the war and that their working conditions were appalling .
6 ‘ Present values are lower than they have been for some time , and are sticking .
7 Such is the speed of decline ( GNP in the first three months of 1991 was 8% lower than it had been in the same period of 1990 , imports were 45% lower ) that , if this plan fails , the next one may be either an economic state of emergency imposed under martial law , or a kaleidoscope of programmes started by republics after the Soviet Union breaks up .
8 Poor Law expenditure per head of population in 1904–05 was 10 per cent lower than it had been in 1833–34 , although real income per head had doubled in that period .
9 The customs accounts there for the decade 1450–60 show that the average annual export of broadcloths , by both denizens and aliens , was a third lower than it had been in the years 1440–50 ( 94 , pp.334–5 ) . ’
10 Still , she kept the place tidier than it had been for months and she did n't mistreat Springsteen , or if she did he did n't complain about it .
11 She was now 15lb ( 7kg ) heavier than she had been in her single days ; she felt tired and run down , and suffered with migraines , abdominal bloating and increasing premenstrual symptoms including irritability , nervous tension , depression , tearfulness , confusion , weight gain , sore breasts and insomnia .
12 The views of the CBI could scarcely be clearer than they have been on the subject of the minimum wage .
13 The sky was clearer than it had been for a week , and massive , but hardly elegant , Storskarfjell stood out like a white tent .
14 Why she was here , she could n't imagine ; but her head was clearer than it had been in a long time , which meant that she must have gone for some hours without any kind of an injection .
15 The flask was a deal emptier than it had been before the dinner break .
16 FARM policy reforms agreed by EC members leave farming industry prospects brighter than they have been for years , Agriculture Minister John Gummer told the Commons last night .
17 The nation had also become economically and demographically stagnant : heavy industrial production lagged behind Britain and Germany , nearly a third of people still lived off the land , and in 1940 the population ( at about 40 million ) was little larger than it had been in 1900 .
18 ‘ I 'm happier than I 've been for years , ’ she said quietly .
19 No , I do n't want to do it but I mean I 'm not I 'm certainly happier than I have been about it if
20 Mid-June finds you thinking of changing your place of residence and by July you 're going to be happier than you have been in quite some time !
21 Leslie was happier than he had been since joining the army .
22 He was happier than he had been during the seven bad years between 1976 and 1982 , still self-assured but now far more reasonable .
23 She left a little while later , happier than she had been for a long time .
24 The cumulative effect was that by Anne 's reign relations between Dissenters and Anglicans in many communities were no better than they had been in the 1680s .
25 ‘ I 'm better than I 've been for a long time . ’
26 Visibility on the water was slightly better than it had been on land — there were no hummocks , and somehow night never seems quite so dark at sea as on land .
27 Mick was less fortunate , and when I awoke in the depressing gloom of dawn , he reported that the weather was very much better than it had been for a long time .
28 Indeed , it was better than it had been for months .
29 It was piercingly cold , too — much colder than it had been in Kent .
30 My hon. Friend will note that German interest rates and ours are closer than they have been for a long time .
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