Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [am/are] [adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Social workers are often left to deal with those clients who are most difficult to engage in any treatment and most likely to relapse such as drug abusers and offenders .
2 On average , the people who are most likely to opt for health insurance are those who know themselves to be relatively unhealthy .
3 Well the people who are most likely to vote in local elections tend to be the people who in greater numbers , if you see what I mean , are more likely to vote in , in general elections .
4 The evidence cited earlier shows that it is those from the poorest homes who are most likely to fall in either of these categories .
5 It is the small local business , as in the examples above of builders , carpenters and glaziers , who are most likely to balk at long-term clearance of a debt .
6 It must have been very galling for Major , when he established membership of the A-Team to write the election manifesto , that he had to choose for it those very men who are most likely to profit from his failure .
7 Yet it is often those who have been told of their own imminent death who are most able to come to terms with the idea .
8 In summary , those who are primarily field-independent tend to be more self-confident and are associated with a freer , more independent democratic culture .
9 When parental care is inadequate , children should be placed with those who are best able to care for them .
10 In areas like West Belfast it will be extremely difficult to find employers who are prepared to take trainees and who are also prepared to cooperate in their training needs .
11 They may be irritable children who are generally difficult to care for as well as to feed ( Powell and Low 1983 ) .
12 However , as one speechreader said to me , ‘ By using my eyes , I often find my way around large terminals and airports much more easily than my friends who can hear and who are automatically inclined to rely on announcements . ’
13 You must of course deal with the odd letters of criticism , but I trust that these can be viewed in proportion to those ( probably thousands ) of satisfied members , who are nevertheless unlikely to write in every month to say so .
14 An outsider to consider in the County Championship at attractive odds would be Derbyshire , who are rather over priced at 16–1 with Coral-Ladbrokes for instance go 8–1 .
15 Finally , I can not stress too strongly the importance which should be attached to the Bank of England having , within the limits laid down by the Act and the general law , unfettered and unimpeded scope for the exercise of their most important public duties of regulation under the Act in the interests of the public , who are surely entitled to rely on the Bank of England to exercise those powers with integrity .
16 I think the regrettable thing about the parking in in the town is the way that some of the disabled slots at the surgery are taken by the cars of people who are perfectly able to walk from the car park , and I think the great problem we 're going to have is we 're going to rely on the public spiritedness of our fellow townspeople and there does seem to be a fair group of people who are extremely selfish when it comes to come to parking .
17 ‘ There are three bright young players who are very keen to play against the Aussies this summer , ’ he added .
18 Civil war threatens to explode , ’ warn the leaders of the Church of Christ in Zaire , who are now obliged to communicate with their people through literature printed and distributed from neighbouring Kenya .
19 They 're tired of having to deal time and again with criminals who are too young to go to prison …
20 There is even a portable unit for home use by people who are too busy to come to the Centre .
21 The result : a burgeoning young generation of 100,000 hard-core otaku who are too uptight to talk to a telephone operator but who can kick ass on the keyboard of a PC .
22 Often it is girls from already deprived backgrounds who end up in such circumstances , and who are less able to cope on their own .
23 Why is it it seems to me also , and I may be totally wrong here , but it seems people who are least likely to look after themselves are the ones who want to have animals ?
24 They are the ones who are usually prepared to co-operate with , and to help , research workers : people who are so expert that they know all the answers have no perception of the value of research .
25 Is it within your power to draw the Prime Minister 's attention to the fact that his first responsibility is to the House of Commons , that there is a Prime Minister 's Question Time every Tuesday and Thursday and that we have a Foreign Secretary and a Secretary of State for Defence who are quite able to deal with international and defence commitments overseas ?
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