Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [was/were] [adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , somehow Rogers and Thomas got the message across that TB was hardly the scourge it once had been and there was really no reason not to laugh at those who were generally prepared to laugh at themselves , although there were serious moments too .
2 At the same time , it was those with the highest level of education who were best able to draw from particular grievances — against their own foreman or management — a more general analysis of the system which oppressed them .
3 These are people who were too proud to register for compensation , who were shy about meeting delegations from Tokyo and who were diffident about making a political issue over ‘ our little pollution incident ’ .
4 Allowing for those who were too selfish to want to help even when they were well qualified to do so , and those who were manifestly unsuitable to act as foster parents , because they were too young , too old or too inexperienced — a third , say , of the total , it was unrealistic to expect the Jewish community to absorb 10,000 refugee children .
5 Buzz had read newspaper accounts of old people who had been forcibly removed from their homes and admitted to nursing homes ; such people had been robbed by the very guardians who were legally supposed to care for them .
6 Who were extremely keen to locate in this county , everything was right for them , Mr Allenby 's borough had the site , my clients had the site should I say , and erm but we lost it to Humberside because it was not possible for either Harrogate or ourselves to look them in the eye and say yes we can guarantee planning consent .
7 The result will also give a huge lift to Alex Ferguson 's Manchester United team who were originally due to travel to Norwich today but went there instead on Tuesday and pulled off a significant victory .
8 The only concession forced through before the critical days in September was on the tax allowance to foster parents who were now able to claim for any child in their care under the age of sixteen or in full-time education .
9 I do not think that that would have been the attitude of the young men who were very keen to fight for their country and to serve with their compatriots .
10 The 11-year-old , who was barely able to see over the dock rail , looked frightened as he pleaded not guilty to the manslaughter of Rosetta Fort .
11 This streak was obvious in his relationships with Frank , who was certainly difficult to live with , and later with Terry Waite .
12 The under-17s are catching the senior men in terms of strength in depth , as was proved by Jenny Marie who was doubly unlucky to finish as runner-up twice , in the 800m and 1,500m , both times to Hayley Cole .
13 FDR made it clear there must be no assistance to the French ; indeed he was ready to transfer Indo-China to Chiang Kai-shek , who was too realistic to rise to the bait .
14 The final two Ipswich cases were somewhat exceptional : one was a woman who was very difficult to find at home ; she was also being helped by two neighbours of whose motives the development officer and others in the psychogeriatric team , were suspicious .
15 The loser in April was a certain Robert Paparemborde , better known to the British public as the prop with sloping shoulders who was very difficult to scrummage against .
16 He 's a man of rare who was so privileged to go to Cambridge and to be interviewed .
17 Far too often she lacked the precision and patience of Javer , who was quite content to enter into baseline rallies and await the errors .
18 He was a man who was quite unable to relate to children and therefore always treated them as adults , an approach which she appreciated .
19 The territory belonged to the King of Holland who was quite willing to part with it , and although the transfer would have meant the removal of a Prussian garrison which had been installed there since 1815 , Bismarck at first seemed indifferent to the transaction .
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