Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [was/were] [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Members of Leuchars mountain rescue team , who were on an exercise in the area , went to his aid and moved him to an area accessible for the helicopter .
2 So anyway , at Khabarovsk we were eating ice-cream — there were always ice-cream sellers on the platform — and I was taking pictures of David and sneaking pictures of the soldiers who were on the platform with us but , unfortunately , they caught us at it .
3 This must seem like bliss to those who were on the rack for much of the last three years .
4 This is fighting talk , and suggests his fond memories of Maurras and the Action Française , but it was only talk — perhaps it was Eliot 's way of enlivening what he thought to be the muted tone of discussion in England ; perhaps it was also a method of inspiring his colleagues at the Moot whom he called " companions in affliction " , intellectuals or refugees who were on the periphery of events to which there was no foreseeable end .
5 Ken 's friendships and the way he established them continued to surprise those who were on the periphery of his activities .
6 But then , as Blackstone pointed out , the opinion gained ground that it would be to the advantage of trade , and of creditors in general , if debtors outside the scope of the bankruptcy laws who were on the point of insolvency could also surrender their property for the benefit of their creditors , and in return be protected from legal process .
7 Managers have been chosen by the old boy network , recommendations from people who were on the boards of charities .
8 During the days I go and see my friends , most of the people who were at the hotel at the same time as I was have been moved up here .
9 I appreciate that this view is somewhat unfashionable and would gain little support from the majority of teachers who were at the centre of the disruptions of recent years .
10 Most casualties ( 46% ) recorded involved people who were at the time of the incident standing in buses , but it is not always clear from the recorded data whether the passengers were standing due to the vehicle 's seating capacity being fully utilised or were on their feet moving towards a seat or the bus exit .
11 With a political prisoner escaped , all of us who were at the City of the Horizon must come under increased scrutiny . ’
12 The collections indicated a wider hidden culture of support for ‘ the lads ’ who were at the forefront of the battle to restore national unity , in addition to the much smaller party political support they enjoyed in the South .
13 But while they gave support and commitment , it was lesbians who were at the forefront of change when the Girls ' Work Movement came to life in the late seventies and early eighties .
14 Harmsworth was one of many — others include Marconi and the pioneers of the film industry — who were at the forefront of what Briggs has called ‘ the development of the mass entertainment industry ’ at the turn of the century .
15 On the contrary , it was the most urbanized workers , those with the highest levels of skill , education and wages who were at the forefront of labour protest .
16 But there are problems even with this more sophisticated test , because it could be argued that to examine those who were as a matter of fact interested in science is to skew the sample .
17 Between 1987 and 1989 I conducted in-depth interviews with nearly forty parents of children with trisomy 21 ( so-called Down 's Syndrome ) who were between the ages of 2 and 7 .
18 Baldwin ( 1977 ) traced all child victims of severe abuse ( damage on the scale of multiple fractures , internal injuries , brain damage and death ) who were under the age of five years and living in North East Wiltshire over an eight-year period .
19 None of the original team who were with the women at the time of the move still work at their flat .
20 Needless to say the proposed settlement — widely publicised — drew a good deal of criticism , almost entirely from the Left who were for a variety of reasons extremely hostile to white Rhodesians .
21 Trade would benefit from gaols being cleared of debtors who were of no use to their creditors or the community while in confinement .
22 Sam howled with laughter , as did those people who were around the cage at the same time .
23 Surely it was you Aussies who were behind the tranche of law changes ?
24 This gave them little time to develop influence where it mattered , but also meant that the Supreme Soviet had a body of deputies holding important jobs who were in a position to be influential ( Lane , 1985 , pp. 177–81 ) .
25 The NATO Secretary-General , Manfred Wörner , commented that " to see defence ministers who were in a sense at the heart of the Cold War confrontation sitting in a spirit of partnership around the same table is a remarkable and moving event " .
26 All four of Charles 's children who married were to do so by licence ; that suited two of them — Elizabeth in Frome and then Benjamin in London — who were in a bit of a hurry , but in Sarah 's case there was maybe a hint of Nonconformist protest against having banns read out in a church which she did not attend .
27 But er it , it , it er it appears to have been overlooked that , erm some of the directors who were in the bracket in nineteen eighty eight of two hundred and thirty thousand to two ninety five thousand have been increased from three hundred and fifty five thousand this year to a top of four hundred thousand .
28 Certainly those who were in the square in 1387 hoping to see the completion of the Duomo would have had to wait a long time , far longer than the span of a human life .
29 The observations invariably show that the risk of dying before reaching the end of the first year of life is higher for infants born to mothers who were closer to the lower and upper limits of the reproductive period than to those who were in the prime of their childbearing ages .
30 In the UK all Iraqis were from Jan. 19 required to have visas to enter the country , and strict registration procedures were laid down for Iraqis who were in the UK on limited leave ; as of Jan. 29 , out of 101 Iraqis detained since the beginning of the year 42 ( together with seven Palestinians ) were currently in detention awaiting deportation , 21 had left or had been deported and three had been released ; 35 serving members of the Iraqi armed forces were being held in military custody .
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